Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Peace Out, Missouri

I don't know what I used to do when I was waiting in airports before I had a blog.

I'm leaving Missouri. And that makes me sad. I think that I should have a rule that says I don't get to come home until I've been somewhere for at least 6 months. If I come home when I'm still in the middle of the awkward stage of being new somewhere, it makes me hate it when I have to leave. I'm too comfortable in Missouri and I get to be loud and inappropriate and probably a little obnoxious and people have to still love me. Not so elsewhere.

I feel like I've written this post many times. I love to roam, I love adventure, but part of me wants to be able to hang out in my family's suite at every Mizzou basketball game this season. Part of me wants to be able to drop into my mom's house to watch satellite TV whenever I want. A lot of me wants to be there to play dolls with my niece and Star Wars with my nephew.

I want to be comfortable but I want the good that comes with taking risk. Oh, well.

Back to Arizona, back to my life.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

So Close to Home

I was duped by the fabled perils of holiday travel. I got to the airport 2 hours early, something I never, repeat, never do. (Well, I never do now that I don't fly with my mom anymore.) It's unnecessary.

But people kept talking about how crazy it was going to be, so I came 2 hours early. And, people were right, it was busier than usual. But turns out the airport was prepared for that. I even checked a bag and still made it to my gate with an hour and a half to spare.

Thank goodness I have a blog that I've been neglecting and free airport wi-fi. I think I'll make a list.

Top 10 Things I'm Excited About This Christmas:

1) Nativity Challenge 2009- My brother and I have a decades old traditional nativity challenge. It consists of closing our eyes and taking turns picking nativity pieces out of the box. The person who ends up with Baby Jesus is clearly the winner.

2) Satellite TV- This is always my favorite about going home. I watch movies, ESPN, and Discovery Channel marathons (Mike Rowe- I love you).

3) Fighting with my brother- It's inevitable.

4) Christmas Eve Dinner- Another tradition including steak, shrimp from a box, pink salad, and broccoli casserole. Delicious.

5) Presents!- Come on, you're all excited for presents too. Don't pretend like you're above it.

6) Christmas Family Game Night- Always Christmas Day Eve. Very competitive, very fun.

7) Playing Charades/Scattegories/Mafia/Taboo followed by a trip to Steak n' Shake- Everyone get pumped. You know who you are.

8) Watching my grown-up family struggle to put together whatever presents my niece and nephew get- Why so many pieces?

9) Midwestern Stranger Friends- I keep telling people, it's not weird to talk to strangers. Midwesterners know this and I am excited to be back amongst them.

10) Home. Pure and simple.

I love my life and I love my adventures, but the feeling I got when I drove out of Williams reminded me that Missouri is home and there's no place like it. If only it were baseball season...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

White (Pre-) Christmas

It's snowing right now. I'm listening to Sarah McLachlan's christmas album, drinking yummy tea, and generally enjoying my life.

All week long, I've been grumbling. It snowed 2 feet Monday night. I can't tell you how simultaneously beautiful and inconvenient this was. My housekeepers missed a combined total of 5 days of work between being stuck and illness. This did not work out well for me.

But this was the last group we have before the new year. And now I'm at home on a Saturday and all my work is done. And it's snowing more on top of the 2 feet. And I literally can't help but love my life.

How many of you were picturing that I live in the desert because I said I was moving to Arizona? Yeah, that's what I thought too, but I live at 7,000 feet and we have pine trees and snow. Crazy.

Here's some pictures:
This is my front yard. Narnia?
Matt, Katie, and Roxy playing in the snow Tuesday morning after we attempted to get my Blazer out, got stuck, and had to dig it out and push it all the way back to the house. We then spent an hour playing in the snow and making chocolate chip pancakes before getting picked up by our boss in the plow truck. It was an adventure to say the least.

Katie waist-deep in snow (kind of).
Roxy goes bonkers in the snow. She loves it.
And my favorite snow picture, of a couple of the dorms at camp. You can see how deep the snow was on the sides of the pathway. Isn't my work pretty?
And looking across the field at the clubroom and another dorm.
A week from today I will be home in Missouri and I'm so looking forward to it. Trust me, no matter how much you love to wander, it still feels good to go home, decorate a tree with your childhood ornaments and be surrounded by the familiar. Let's hang out if you're in MO!

Song of the Day: Wintersong by Sarah McLachlan

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Frankie Says Relax

I am so relaxed, I can barely get myself to get out of bed. This is the best feeling in the world.

My life feels crazy right now. I feel like there's not enough hours in the day or energy in my body. I feel like I'm constantly moving, thinking, interacting. And, although I'm a people-person, I'm an introvert at heart. I derive my energy from spending time alone.

Hence, today.

I slept until noon, I made chocolate chip walnut waffles, I read half a book, showered, and then read the rest of it. I didn't blow-dry my hair or put on any make-up.

Now I'm sitting next to Katie and Jen at our kitchen island, blogging and getting ready for our nightly Christmas movie. (Yeah, we're playing a Christmas movie every night of December at our house. It's awesome.)

Needless to say, I am contented.

I've been wanting to blog all about my life but I can't now because it would make me think about how stressful this week is going to be and I refuse to do that. Because I'm going to remain in a chipper good mood and optimistic about the fact that we only have one more group coming before the new year and only two more weeks before I come home for Christmas!

I feel like I'm in college during finals week except other people actually count on me to get my work done now.

I might go read another book...

Song of the Day: Warm Whispers by Missy Higgins (can't get enough)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yep, New Moon

I went and saw New Moon this weekend. I'm not even going to pretend to be all embarrassed about it. It was awesome.

Seriously, I realize that it is angsty and about vampires and that 13-year-old girls go crazy for it, but I love it.

I, unfortunately, couldn't go to the midnight premier because I have a big girl job now and we had a crazy busy day on Friday that I needed to be ready for. (Otherwise, I totally would have. I love midnight premiers. Although hysterical middle schoolers scare me, so this one might've been too much for me.)

Instead, we went to a Sunday matinee. We bought our tickets 2 hours early and there were people lining up to get into our show already. We weren't that concerned with our seat position, so we came like 15 minutes early and ended up in the 2nd row which is nowhere near as cool as it used to be. In fact, it makes me a little motion sick.

The best thing about going to the Sunday matinee is that all the middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college kids had already seen it. Who does that leave? 20-something to middle-aged women. That was the entire sold out theater.

This audience definitely made things more enjoyable. There was no squealing and glee when Jacob took off his shirt, but instead hearty laughs at how cheesy it was. The entire series tends towards the cheesy and I was glad I saw it with people who could appreciate the humor but yet still gasp out loud when Edward leaves.

It was awesome, I'm firmly on board with the hype, and I'm immediately rereading my books (again) as soon as they get here this week. I don't care what you think.

And you're welcome for returning to Twilight posting. I know you've missed it.

Song of the Day: Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sleep Sounds Nice

We just turned over all of camp in one day. There was a group in that left at noon and another group coming this evening.

This means that I spent the entire day organizing a lot of people, problem solving, walking at a quick and determined pace, and answering radio calls. (Seriously, I heard a lot of "Kate, copy, Kate" today.)

If you know me at all, you know that this is a little bit of work heaven for me.

But it also means I am exhausted. So I have no witty blogging in me. But I do have something that I think is just as good.

Classic YouTube Video Revisited: The Katana Slip (I'm not kidding when I say I used to watch this 15 times in a row, laughing so hard I was crying. So good. "A piece of the tip just got me there, O'Dell." Hee.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Childhood Terror

I have a question for you, blog friends.

Do you have something that happened to you in childhood that should not have been a big deal but ended up putting an irrational life-long fear into your heart?

Or is that just me?

When I was about 5 years old, I saw 2 minutes of an episode of Picket Fences and it legitimately scarred me for life.

Yes, that's right, Picket Fences. I didn't even know what Picket Fences was about until I just looked it up on IMDB. Because I've only ever seen those traumatic 2 minutes.

Let me take you back.

It's approximately 1990. I'm sitting in my dad's room in my pink nightgown with the bear in a tutu on it while my dad mills about, doing some busy adult thing. He left the TV on and the show we were watching ended. I sat sucking my thumb as I wondered what would come on next.

Cut to the TV. A little girl is at Show and Tell in her elementary school classroom. She begins to tell the class all about this incredible object she found in her back yard. The background music begins to swell. She pulls out the object and it is a human hand floating in a jar.

At this point, I am paralyzed with fear. The theme song comes on, the credits roll, and it cuts back to a sheriff discussing the little girl's hand with his deputy. They explain that there is some kind of criminal on the loose who is cutting off people's hands as souvenirs of his criminal activity.

At this point, my dad turns off the TV and tells me to go to bed.

It was a while before I got to sleep.

Now, to preface this, I was under a few wrong assumptions at this point. One, I thought that being put under amnesia and simply falling asleep were the same thing. So, I thought someone could perform surgery on you while you were asleep as long as they didn't jostle you around enough that you would wake up. Two, I thought that it was possible that someone would want to just cut off people's hands and keep them. I now realize that the criminal in the show was most likely killing the people and then taking their hands, but that is not what I assumed at 5. I thought that there was someone out there in TV land, breaking into people's homes, cutting off their hands and leaving them to wake up handless.

I went to bed that night with a plan. I decided to sleep with my entire body covered by my blankets, except my head. If they had to move the blankets to get to my hands, I would obviously wake up. And since this fictional criminal only wanted my hands, not to kill me, he would run away when I woke up. (I kept my feet covered as well, just in case.) My plan was full-proof.

I never woke up to a hand-stealing mad man, but I carried the fear with me. I continued to sleep completely covered. Years later, when I rationally knew this was all idiotic, I still couldn't sleep if my hands or feet were not under the covers.

Nearly 20 years has passed since this incident, and I would like to say I've moved on. I understand that nobody is going to cut off my hand. But I still sleep completely covered by the blankets. Because it's comfortable, and a little piece of that anxiety hangs on.

Thanks a lot, Picket Fences.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Puppy Love

This is my roommate Jen's dog, Roxy.

Roxy is an energetic, sweet black lab. We have a lot of fun together.

This is one of Roxy's sick nasty, slimy, drool-covered tennis balls.

This is Roxy staring at the ball that she has loving dropped at my feet (better than on my lap), in hopes that I will preferably pick it up and throw it for her, but she would settle for me kicking it across the room.

She will stay in this pose for at least 10 minutes. This dog does not know when to give up. And she needs to. Because I do like her a lot, but I am not touching that ball.

Song of the Day: Whatever It Is by Zac Brown Band (Sometimes I love a good country song.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It Finally Happened

I'm 24. I'm a college graduate. I have a full time job, health benefits, and a 401(k).

Yet, until today, I was still a child. Today, I hit a new plateau, a new stratum, if you will.

That's right, I am officially a grown-up.

"What happened to cement this new status?," you may ask. Well, let me tell you.

My Blazer broke down.

That's not really that surprising, and actually my ghetto car may set me back in the grown-up race, but my story does not stop with my Blazer breaking. The remarkable part is that it is now fixed.

It is fixed, and it is fixed solely because of my actions (and a mechanic and tow-truck driver, but whatever). Yes, you read right, I not only got my car towed, dealt with a mechanic, and got it fixed on the cheap with not a single call to any of my parents, but I also, wait for it, PAID FOR IT MYSELF!

That's right, I have a job and enough money and life experience that I can do all of that. See you later, irresponsible youth!

This is really the best. I love my life, I love chatty tow-truck drivers, I love helpful middle-aged men in parking lots, I love mechanics that play Toy Story in their shops, and I love, love, LOVE my independence. (Blog post to follow on how "independence" is actually misplaced arrogance, but I'm not coming down from this high right now.)

*Full disclosure: My parents do pay for my AAA, so they technically paid for the tow, but I totally could've afforded that, so I don't think it counts. (But thanks, Mom!)

Song of the Day: Angel from Montgomery by Bonnie Raitt

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Don't Like to Rush

OK, so my new "blog at lunch" plan is flawed.

Why? Because after eating my lunch and checking my email, I have exactly 6 minutes in order to blog about all the awesome things that have happened to me in the past few days.

Like the fact that I filled up my Blazer with gas for the first time since I got here. My commute is pretty sweet and is saving me some serious cash in gas.

I also don't have time to tell you that I've stayed up past 10 for 2 nights in a row now! The adrenaline is wearing off and I'm realizing that I can handle my job and life with out quite so much franticism (franticness?).

OK, my time is seriously up.

I'm panicing a little because I can't obsessively reread this post to make sure there's no grammatical errors or typos. Don't judge me too harshly, I guarantee you I will change them later if I come across them.

Much Love.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

You're Welcome

Whelp, it's Sunday night which means that I am wide awake when I should be asleep. (And, consequently, that I'm going to be very grumpy and need lots of coffee tomorrow.)

Obviously, I am listening to the new John Mayer single on repeat while cuddling up under my down comforter and staring at the ceiling.

This clearly means that I am feeling inspired to journal, but I really don't want to get up to turn the light on. Thank goodness I have a blog, right?

I realize that I have not been blogging very often lately. You all probably don't really care, but I miss it. And while I'll probably never achieve the 32 blog posts in one month as seen last January, I do have a plan to up my blog game a little.

That plan may or may not involve blogging while I eat my lunch alone at my desk. But now that I've typed that, it makes me feel kind of pathetic. So maybe I'll go eat lunch with my co-workers and not blog. Or I'll just continue to do what I've been doing which is catch up on work emails and check facebook. I have so many options.

I'm going to go to sleep now, but I'll leave you with a question that I believe is plaguing all of humanity right now: How do I get Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA out of my head? Seriously, I need some help.

Song of the Night: Who Says by John Mayer

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm Just a Small-Town Girl

I took me an hour and a half to get 10 things at the grocery store and an iced Americano at the coffee shop.

Both of those things are within a half of a mile of each other and 5 miles (max) from my house.

Why did it take so long?

Well, because I live in a tiny little town and strangers love to talk.

This makes me very, very happy.

My trip to Safeway was extended by a solid 15 minutes because a lady stopped me in the middle of an aisle to chat about Lost Canyon, people she knows that work there and the fact that she's really excited about the early Thanksgiving Dinner we invite the entire town to. (BTW, I wasn't even wearing Lost Canyon gear, I had a Wildhorse sweatshirt on and that was enough.)

Then I hit up the coffee shop where I chatted about trick-or-treating and cleaning toilets (seriously) for another 10 minutes.

When renting a movie last night at the Redbox, I talked to a 12-year-old named Michael about how excited we both are about Up coming out in a couple of weeks. He's got it in his Netflix queue and he is pumped.

Combine the town's propensity to chat with the awesomeness that was Williams trick-or-treating last night and the fact that if you hang up over 500 Christmas lights the city gives you a discount on your electric bill, and this town has officially embedded itself into my heart.

Song of the Day: Dream by Priscilla Ahn

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yep, I'm a Whiner

Before I blog, I have to say, Bonnie- I feel the same way when I read your blog. Glad to know you're jamming to Christmas carols as well and I will put up pictures soon, I promise. (By this, I mean I've taken my camera to work for 2 days now and forgotten to take pictures, but I'm bound to remember eventually.)

Shout-out over. Actual blog post, begin.

Today was one of those days where I finally just had to leave work (at hour 10) because all I was doing was staring at the computer screen and thinking, "There is literally no way I'm going to get everything I want to get done, done."

It's week 4 and I know it. I'm not going to be able to do everything I want to do. It doesn't matter if I stay late every day and bound in every morning with endless energy. It's just not going to happen.

Housekeeping is a repetitive job. You clean things, just so that someone can use them and you can clean them again. There's satisfaction in walking into a room to see a complete mess and walking out half an hour later with everything clean, shiny and lined up perfectly.

But then, 2 days later, it's dirty again.

This is even more frustrating when it comes to laundry. I have my goal: get everything clean and folded. I have to break it down. First, get everything clean. I do it. I stay late to change over laundry and at the end of the week, my dirty carts are empty.

However, I have 6 clean carts loaded with unfolded, clean laundry. That's OK, we'll catch up on folding next week. But, oh yeah, a small weekend filled up 5 carts of dirty laundry again. Sigh, regroup, start it all over.

For a task-oriented, grind-it-out type of girl, this kills me. So I'm deciding right now not to let it. I'm going to do all I can with what I have and ask for help when I need it.

Hold me to it, friends. Because I can almost guarantee I'll be right back here, complaining about the never-ending cycle again soon.

Sorry to whine, but really, what are blogs for?

On a lighter note, here's another installment of Old YouTube Videos Revisited: Japanese Mob Scare Prank (This, combined with my roommate's dog and blog venting have completely restored peace and happiness into my heart. It's so funny.)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hear Me Out

I'm gonna make a statement, and some of you are going to be kind of judgy about it. I would just like to preface this with: I don't care. Be judgy all you want. Because I think you're crazy if you don't agree whole-heartedly with me on this one.

It is perfectly acceptable (and I would say a damn fine idea) to listen to Christmas carols in October.

Again, I realize some of you are screaming out loud right now, but hear me out.

Fall is my favorite season. I love that it's warm in the sun in the afternoon and cold at night. I love that everything turns beautiful, rich, warm colors. I love that you can get pumpkin flavored anything. (I'm drinking pumpkin ale right now. It's pretty good.) I love it all.

However, there is no fall music. There's no Autumn Carols. All that fall has is the Monster Mash and soundtracks of creaky doors and ghosts wailing. That does not really make me want to curl up by the fire with a cup of coffee. It also does not make me want to bake pies and bundle up to play outside.

Christmas carols make me want to do all of those things.

Now, I don't go crazy and put up a tree and start wishing people Happy Holidays (PC) in October. I only listen to Christmas carols when it's cold enough to build a fire in our fireplace and when I'm just chilling in my house.

When the Christmas season really gets into swing, I'll be playing them all the time. For now, I still play the year-round selections at work. That will change as soon as Thanksgiving is over. Then it will be non-stop Christmas joy.

To sum up, Christmas carols in October are like a good movie trailer. They give away just enough to make you want more, but they don't ruin the real thing. Try it this year. See how you like it.

P.S. I treat myself to one (or two) new Christmas albums every year. My favorite last year was the Hotel Cafe one (see below). Please send me suggestions if you've got a favorite.

Song of the Day (last year's favorite): Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson (Song starts at 2:50) (See? Enjoyable even in October.) (Watch the actual music video here. It's really cool, but BMG disabled embedding because it would probably be bad to have people promote your artists on their blogs.) (I like parentheses.)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Know You've Been Waiting

OK, so I know that I've been blog-slacking a little lately, but there is one particular issue that it is inexcusable that I have taken so long to weigh in on. I know you have all been waiting patiently.

That's right, it's official. Jake's the new Bachelor.

Now, before I say anything else, I just have to say I TOLD YOU SO (several times)!

Seriously, not only did I call it that he would be the next Bachelor, but I also came pretty close on what they were going to call the season. My guess was The Bachelor: Love Has Wings. However, the Bachelor producers, in all their cheesy wisdom, went with The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love. To-Mate-O, To-Maht-O.

Now, I have mixed feelings on this. Is Jake an interesting person? No. Is he someone I would want to spend time with in real life? Not at all. Is he a soul-less pretty boy who is obsessed with finding love? I think so. And that, my friends, makes him a perfect candidate for the Bachelor.

My prediction for this season: Jake picks the girl I like least, who most likely has big, fake blonde hair (wasn't sure where I was going with big and fake were you?) and is either an elementary school teacher or "consultant" of some kind.

As much as I despise myself for it, I am pretty pumped to watch the extreme uncomfortableness that will be this season. However, I do have a couple of personal hurdles to overcome before the premier in January.

1) I have to mentally prepare myself to not curl up and cover my eyes every time something awkward happens. Otherwise, I'm never going to see any of the show.

2) I'm going to have to convince someone that it would be fun to have me over to watch it every week. (I no longer have cable, but I'll come up with a solution.)

Looking forward to the blog fodder! I'll see you in January.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Employment is Nice

It's been 5 days since I last blogged.

I want to post, but I literally can't get my brain to function in any way other than to think about Housekeeping. And I'm exhausted. Like, it's 9:00 and I could legitimately go to sleep right now, exhausted.

I love it.

I love the first weeks of a new job, where everything is so crazy you feel like you're always on the verge of being completely overwhelmed. I love working so hard and exercising my brain so much that I have to turn it off at the end of the day.

I know that in a few weeks this will all be routine. I'll know who to call when my washer breaks and I'll know how to turn in my invoices to our bookkeeper. But for now it's all wonderfully new.

Oh, yeah, and it's also super awkward, hard, grating on my pride, and has caused me to fall ill.

Back at it tomorrow!

Song of the Day: Song Up in My Head by Sarah Jarosz (my new favorite to listen to while answering emails/wading through the mass amounts of docs saved on my work computer.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm On a Business Trip

Do you know what 8 housekeepers, a beautiful lodge, an empty camp, lots of talking, lots of eating, and a whole lot of learning equals?

I do! I do! Call on me! (Hand waving in the air in a Hermione Granger-esque furor.)

A rollicking good time, that's what it equals.

I laughed so hard I cried, I spent 12 hours a day talking about my new job, I felt encouraged, uplifted and equipped. I love working for this organization.

I want to write more, but all I can think to write is that the dimensions of a twin mattress are 39x75, the standard color for sheets in camper rooms is white, dry extraction carpet cleaning is the cutting edge of carpet maintenance, and blacklights show urine.

I don't think you all really care about any of those things, so I'm going to post what I've decided is going to be a recurring feature on my blog (a la songs of the day).

I present to you: Classic Youtube Videos Revisited. (I've had a couple of nights recently of reliving classics such as Bubb Rub and they are funnier than I remembered. I hope you enjoy.)

Entry #1: Safe Hands (Full disclosure: I can't watch this without dying laughing. I love when he tries so hard to hold in the f-bomb, but just has to curse. So funny!)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just As I Expected

My life is crazy.

Now, I can't claim that I had a whole lot going on before I moved out here, but the last 3 days have been the most exhausting I've had in a long time.

And I love it.

(Liz- You might want to stop reading now. I'm going to blog about what I've been doing and I know how you hate that.)

I got here Wednesday evening and moved my stuff into Katie and Jen's which is where I'll be staying perhaps permanently, perhaps just until they hire someone for the kitchen (depending on who that is). It is beautiful and quiet and peaceful at their house and I really enjoy it. The room I'm sitting in right now has 10 windows and they all look out into trees, trees, and more trees. It's completely quiet, except for when you hear the train. (I find the sound of trains soothing, I think because it always makes me think of my grandparents' house.)

That night I went to Family Dinner, the weekly staff hang-out/potluck. I am a big fan of potlucks, so this makes me happy.

I started work bright and early the next morning with the 7:50 daily staff meeting. I spent the rest of the day with Katie, who was doing my job on top of hers (she's in Guest Services) for the past year. It seems like she did an awesome job, but I'm sure she's glad to get it off her plate. It's actually great for me that she's still around because she'll be an awesome resource.

I spent the day listening intently to Katie as she walked me through everything having to do with Housekeeping at Lost Canyon. They're trying to give me a crash course before I leave for training on Monday, so it's a whole lot of information coming my way that I'm desperately trying to catch and hold onto. At one point, I was walking around with a stack of binders/folders/manuals that would've put any freshman in high school to shame. I had to consciously remind myself to make my face not reflect complete and utter intimidation, but I think I held my own.

Thursday night was Women's Bible Study, which was fun although I had lost all ability to functionally communicate by that point. I found myself talking and thinking in my head that what I was saying had nothing to do with the topic at hand, nor made any sense, but I kept going anyway. Despite this, it was encouraging and there are some great women here that I'm excited to get to know better.

Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning with Esther and Linda, the two Housekeepers on staff. They are funny Williams locals and quite the characters. I'm sure I'll have a lot of stories from the two of them. They were sweet and very welcoming and showed me the ropes. They're still catching up from summer and being short-handed while hiring me, so there's a lot to be done.

I spent the rest of the evening getting my office (semi-) in order and playing with my new work email. (It makes me feel so legit.) I came home, watched the Cardinals game on my computer and was asleep by 9:30.

I slept in today, woke up to watch the early Cardinals game in bed, grabbed some Subway with Jen (my other roommate and the area director for Young Life here in Williams), and then began to wade through the stack of manuals that I brought home with me.
Also, there's a giant wildfire burning a couple of miles from me. They started a controlled burn that went rogue and had the camp on high alert for possible evacuation of the group in this weekend. The sky is filled with smoke and I've been listening to helicopters and planes that are dumping water all day. I don't really know what to do about this. I found myself listening for the tornado sirens, but I don't think they even have those here. I'm just assuming someone will call me if I need to evacuate or something.

I'll keep you updated on whether or not I burn down.

Much Love.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Live in Arizona

I'm in Williams. I live here now. This is weird.

Got in around 5 and moved all my stuff into the spare room at Katie and Jen's. Left an hour later to go to Family Dinner which is the weekly potluck for all the staff. Although I'm kind of exhausted and didn't really have the ability to communicate in a functional way, it was fun. It made me remember exactly why I love property staff and why I'm excited about this job.

Also, Williams is as awesome as I remember. I learned tonight that at Christmas, they drill a hole in the middle of one of the streets downtown, put up a giant pine tree, have a parade and tree lighting ceremony, and, oh yeah, that block of the street is just shut down for the entire Christmas season. Because the Christmas tree is more important than a steady flow of traffic. I like their priorities.

I really hope that is just the tip of the iceberg in the funny small tourist town anecdotes.

The best part is, I'm sitting in my room with the window open and it's quiet and peaceful and feels good. I've been really bummed about moving, but I just kept thinking that as soon as I got here, I would love it, just like when I came to interview. It feels right, and that feels good.

Can't wait to work tomorrow!

Enjoy the last road trip diary!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Albuquerque is a Weird Word

But that's where I am for the night.

Arizona tomorrow.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Road Trip Diary - Arizona Edition

Yep, it's back. Road trip diary!!!

(Sorry, Mom.)

I clearly rolled out of bed after staying up late packing and jumped in the car. Please ignore my super-frizzy hair.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Countdown's On

So... I'm moving. On Monday. To Arizona.


Not sure what to think right now.

I've had a great couple of weeks of fitting in time with people I love in order to prepare for the move.

On Tuesday, we had an awesome Old Helias YL Team Members Who Now Live in KC Reunion. There are a lot of us. The Bonhannons, the Peaks, the Petersons, Elizabeth, John (honorary Helias Alum), Ashley, and I all ate chili, watched youtube videos, laughed really hard, and simply hung out at our house. It was wonderful and fun to see how much we stay connected at the heart even when we're not connected in the day to day.

They've decided to make it a bi-weekly tradition and I'm extremely jealous that I won't be around for it, but glad to know that they're all here, carrying on with a community that I get to be a part of long-distance and can always come back and step right into here. What a blessing.

I've also been back and forth to Jeff City a lot this month in order to hang out with my family. I didn't really take advantage of being so close to home while I was here because I was working weekends and thought I was going to be here longer. So I've been cramming it all in now.

I've been to a Mizzou game, Cardinals game, the Lake, my nephew's flag football game, and a couple of BBQs. It has been seriously wonderful and made me realize how much comfort I receive simply from seeing a familiar landscape in front of me. Driving down hwy 63 and seeing the bluffs and the trees and the capital. I feel like I've been gone so long, but I spent 22 of my 24 years of life in Mid-MO and it still very much is embedded in my heart because of it.

Lastly, I got to spend the day with my niece and nephew last Sunday, followed by dinner with my brother and sister-in-law and the kids. I played probably 30 songs on Rock Band with my 7-year-old nephew and you've have not seen hilarity until you've seen a 7-year-old belt out Eye of the Tiger. It was wonderful.

The rest of our day was taken up by a light saber war, complete with several different jedi/storm trooper/harry potter outfits. There was also some time spent caring for sick Barbie dolls. Always fun.

Here's some pics. Feel free to squeal out loud about how cute they are.

Step 1: Put on Game Face.
Step 2: Attack Sister
Step 3: Add Cape, Attack Sister Again
Step 4: Cuddle Break.
Step 5: Become Storm Trooper

Step 6: Go to Dark Side, Become Darth Vader
Step 7: Make Up Story to Go with Pictures in Book, Ignore Brother at All Costs

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh. Em. Gee.

I just stumbled upon this virtual tour of the new Harry Potter world at Universal Studios in Orlando. It's set to open in the Spring of 2010 and I will be waiting in line, squealing loudly when that time comes. It looks so cool!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I feel like I should be blogging all the time. I mean, there's some cool stuff happening in my life.

In about 2 weeks, I'm going to have all my stuff packed up and be headed out to Arizona.

It's exciting and crazy.

But in the meantime, my life is oddly boring.

I'm sitting at home right now, and I have no idea what to do with myself. I could start packing, but it just doesn't seem to quite be that time yet. (Remember, I'm a last minute packer. And everything I own can fit in my Blazer, so it's not really that hard to pack.)

I read Taming of the Shrew. I did the dishes. I wrote in my journal. I sent a couple of emails. I had a pretty long solo karaoke session. I started thinking about how I should plan out my next couple of weeks, and never got around to actually doing it. I took some quizzes on Sporcle. I watched a movie from Netflix. (It was French and I didn't really get it. I mean I understood it, but I didn't get it.) I even pulled out a knitting project I started a year and half ago and worked on it.

I have literally nothing else to do with myself.

But I am wide awake.

I am really looking forward to having a job in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I guess I'll go watch Hope Floats for the 63rd time.

Actually, that's a great idea.

I have to go...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Probably could've told you this without going to the website, but I enjoy having the internet confirm that I'm one of a kind.

LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Love, Hate, Love

I love the unpredictability of life. I enjoy the fact that I could wake up tomorrow and everything could be different, that I could be different. It's exciting and it keeps me on my toes.

But sometimes, I hate it.

Sometimes, it makes me bang my fist on my steering wheel really hard and yell, "I don't understand this." And then giggle at myself because I think about how hard I would laugh if I saw someone do that when I was next to them at a stoplight or something.

But then I think about how I don't understand things again.

I don't understand how I could be so certain I'm supposed to go to Arizona when so much of me wants to just stay here.

I don't understand why I was here for 6 months and ready to leave at any time and then a couple weeks into being excited about staying here, it's time to go.

I don't understand how I could be so excited to go when I'm so bummed to leave.

I don't understand why, when I want to talk things out nobody is around and when I want to be left alone, people are in my face.

I don't understand why I love to adventure, why I have a craving to see it all, when a familiar landscape brings me such comfort and peace.

I don't understand how to make it all work.

I don't understand this. (Bang of the fist.)

But then I come home and put my iTunes on shuffle and Tracy Chapman's Fast Car comes on and I remember that I love my life. I love to roam, I love finding more people to love and figuring out how to do that well, and I love, love, love the unpredictability.

Here we go.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I put up the wrong video in the last post. Jenna Fischer talks about the lake a lot apparently, but her hilarious description of the Lake is at 4:25.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Headed to the Lake

So I'm home in Jeff City for the weekend. And Labor Day weekend in Jeff City means one thing for most people: trip to the Lake.

For all of my readers who are not native Missourians and therefore do not know the joys of the Lake of the Ozarks, well, I pity you. It is one of the craziest places you will ever go. Drunken rednecks on boats. Party cove. An old-fashioned main strip that houses 10 cent ski ball, more than one old time photo booth, tattoo parlors, taffy stores, screen-print t-shirt stands, mini-golf, and bumper boats.

It provided child-like joy when I was younger and debauchery-filled weekends in my teens. It is a classic Missouri establishment and I'm pretty stoked to be headed there.

I'll be dropping some dimes at 10 cent ski ball, you better believe it.

For further explanation, here's Jenna Fischer from the Office talking about the Lake with David Letterman. Hilarious.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Family is Weird

I think sibling relationships are the funniest relationships out there.

I'm at home for the weekend and my brother is here too. We are 24 and 25. We have a lot of shared history and respect for one another. I think he's great. I admire him in a lot of ways and value his place in my life.

But last night, the first time I've seen him in a couple of months, I yelled at him at least 6 times, got so annoyed by him that I cursed loudly, and punched him in the arm in retaliation for hitting me in a fight over who got to have the comfy pillows.

Yeah. Real mature, I know.

I consider myself a pretty slow-to-anger type of person. I definitely have a temper and there are some things that'll push my buttons, but for the most part, I don't anger or frustrate too easily.

You would not know this when I'm around my family.

I get irrationally angry when they talk while I'm trying to watch a movie. Or cheat when I get up from the table during a game. Or simply say something that I don't approve of.

In all fairness, my brother knows how to frustrate me and does it with great joy. And then laughs a lot. So it makes sense. But still. I should be able to control myself a little better.

But no matter how much I grow as a person, I'm likely to revert to a 15-year-old version of myself whenever I'm at home. I don't know if that's comforting or really scary. If you knew me at 15, you'd probably say scary.

Oh, well. I'm going to go watch some daytime MTV and enjoy being at home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Ready to Talk About It

Alright. I know it's been awhile. You've probably all been hanging in suspense, wondering and wondering what is possibly going on in my life.

Or you've been assuming that I've been spending my days watching old episodes of Sex and the City on DVD and going to the coffee shop for hours. (Read: continuing to do nothing with my life.)

Well, if you've been assuming that, you would be WRONG. Wrong!, I say. (Although that's a fair assumption. I can see why you would think that.)

But I actually have big life news. I know! It's so exciting!

I got a job! That's right, I'm legitimately employed. No more long whiny blog posts about the lack of direction my life has. No more desperate searches. No more stalker-like emails and resume inundation to every non-profit in the known world. I have an actual job with health benefits and a 401(k).

(Aren't you proud?)

What's the job? Well, I'll be working here.

I'm going back on property staff and moving to Northern Arizona. I'm going to be the Housekeeping Supervisor at Young Life's Lost Canyon!

It has been a very bittersweet week. I'm really excited about the job. There are only 2 jobs on property staff that I said I would do at this point and only 4 or 5 properties that I was willing to explore working at. This was one of the jobs at one of the properties. It's pretty perfect. And the more I find out about the job and the people, the better the fit seems.

That being said, I was just at the point where I really love KC. I have great, comfortable friends here. There are things I was excited about here. And I've only been here for 6 months. It seems crazy that it's already time to move again. (This will be the 5th place I've lived in 2 years- that's insane.)

But it is time. So I'm going. Oct. 1. Crazy.

I'll fill you in more on all the details in later posts. Get pumped. And if you're in Missouri, we need to hang out before I leave.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Have You Missed Them?

So, I've been really slacking on putting up songs of the day.  Mainly, that's because I'm really broke and can't afford to waste money on iTunes.  But still, there are a couple of songs that I have been loving recently.  Here's a taste.

The first is by an artist named Keeley Valentino.  My good friend Kathryn and I love to exchange mixes and a song from Keeley's first album was on one she sent me last spring.  I immediately downloaded the album (The Mechanics of Leaving).  It was the soundtrack of my life last summer and I could not stop listening to it for a solid 6 months.  She just put a new CD out called Three Cities and this is a recording of her performing 2 songs off of it: Honesty and Shame on Me 

The second is a song called Brand New Day by Joshua Radin.  I love it because it's sweet and optimistic and it makes me smile when I'm driving and the sun is shining and my windows are open.  

And lastly, the song that for some reason makes my heart ache, Two by Ryan Adams.  This one has been a favorite for awhile (as has Ryan Adams period.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Embed Codes Make Life Easier

In case you missed it on facebook...

The tribute to "the Old Interns" aka Dusty, Sara, and Kate's Trip to the Canyon:

A Tribute to "the Old Interns" from Kate Tichelkamp on Vimeo.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is Good

Oh, man.

What can I possibly say about the past couple of weeks?  

I went to camp here with KC North:

It was awesome.  I'm sure I'll write more about it later.  I had an incredible time.  I didn't realize I missed leading Young Life so much, but a perfect combination of really fun girls, an awesome leadership team, and camp made that very obvious.

Two days after getting home, I came to see these people:
Yep.  Dusty and Sara.  They're 2 of my favorite people in the world and they live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, so I like to come see them often.

Together, we went here:

Ah, the Canyon.  A place that holds a very large chunk of my heart.  It was wonderful to see friends and to spend a solid 8 hours in 2 days simply sitting on the porch, talking about life and drinking coffee.  Not to mention the game playing.  I miss that.

And now I'm back in Washington.  Sara and I are drinking very good coffee and talking (and talking and talking) and playing on our computers.  

All this to say:  Life is good.  Very good.

Oh, and I no longer work at Grand Street Coffee.  I'm OK with that.  But I need a new job.  Yeah, I'm back to that.  Look forward to a return to job search blogging.  Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

See You in a Week!

I know how much you all rely on my witticisms to get you through your days, but you're going to have to do without for the next week.  I'm headed to Castaway with NKC Young Life and I am really pumped about it.  I thought this was going to be the first time in 7 years that I hadn't gone to YL camp, but luckily I was wrong.  I can't live without it.

I'll leave you with some questions to discuss in the comments:

1) Is it weird that I was seriously disappointed that it took me 9 days to read all 7 Harry Potters?  I really wanted to read one a day, but I just couldn't get it done.

2) When you read, do you switch from character to character in your head as they speak or do you see the whole scene from outside the characters? (Liz and Ashley do the former, I do the latter.)

3) Which do you enjoy more:  Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy?

4)  Who did you have a bigger crush on: Jonathan Taylor Thomas or Devon Sawa?

That should last you a week.  See you then!

Monday, July 27, 2009

It's the End

Dear Jillian,

It's been a long, sometimes dramatic, sometimes snooze-worthy ride.  And now we're at the end.  You've chosen Ed.  I can't say I'm surprised.  It seemed pretty clear to me that this would be the outcome.

I have to say, I don't think it should've thrown you off that much to have Reid come back.  If you're really ready to marry Ed, you probably should have enough conviction about it that you wouldn't second guess it just because Reid finally managed to say he loved you.  On the other side of that, it is kind of dramatic and you only had like 5 minutes to process it all so that sucks.

Don't worry about Kiptyn.  He's already getting plenty of ladies back in SoCal.  And his snooty family is trashing you in French at the club.  

It's been fun.


Dear Ed,

Are you really in love with Jillian?  The true test comes now.  

I have to be honest, I'm betting in real life you're going to go back to working like crazy and Jillian will be super bored.  I'm going to give you about 3 months after the special tomorrow.

Get rid of the shorts shorts.


Dear Producers,

Less focus on the pretty, more focus on the interesting.  Seriously.

I can't say I respect you, but I appreciate what you do.  

Looking forward to next season!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shrooms and a Mocha... Yum

Here's a tale straight from the streets...  Grand Street.

Scene: 9:30 AM.  Grand Street Coffee.  I stand behind the counter.  A chime dings, someone enters.  It is a man.  A balding man, wearing shorts and an Abercrombie and Fitch tank top.  I am excited to interact with him.

Me: "Hello!"

Man:  "Hi."

Me:  "What can I get you?"

Man:  "I want a mocha with two extra shots... I did 'shrooms for the first time last night."

Me (slightly taken aback at the announcement but rolling with it):  "Alright!  How'd that go for ya?"

Man (with look of concentration):  "It went alright.  I remember jumping out of a car.  The car was going slow, though.  But we had hit a curb and I was worried we would explode."

Me:  "Yeah... "

Man:  "Can I get a lot of whip cream on that?"

Me:  "Sure."

And... Scene.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yep, Again

You know how sometimes you're talking to someone and they ask you what you've been up to and you have to respond with "nothing much" because what you wish you could say is raising money to build highways in Africa, learning to play the ukulele, and writing witty and thought-provoking letters to the editor on a variety of important topics but what you've really been doing is watching reality TV, reading a Harry Potter a day, and researching whether or not you could feasibly move to Scotland?

Yeah, I've had to do that a lot lately.  

I've officially been here 6 months.  I can no longer pretend like I'm just passing through between NYC and whatever cool other thing is going to come up.  I am no longer some kind of glamorous vagabond.  

So maybe I should start investing, huh?  Maybe I should start acting like I know this is where I'm supposed to be?  Or maybe I am supposed to be somewhere else?

Eeee!  How do I know?

I'll get my head (and life) together soon so you won't have to read about it anymore, I promise.  And, don't worry, if I make any big decisions, you'll be the first to know.

In the meantime, enjoy the dance from this season of SYTYCD.  This is a Tyce contemporary danced by Melissa and Ade.  The story is that of a woman battling breast cancer and her friend supporting her.  Powerful.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Men Tell All = Hypefest for the Finale

Dear Jillian,

You're the happiest you've ever been in your entire life?  We'll see.

Also, what's with Reid coming back?  I am just going to assume that it's tricky advertising by ABC once again and that he'll be there for .25 seconds and nothing's going to amount of it.  I've been fooled one too many times.

Good luck picking Ed.

See you after the final rose,

Dear Jake,

Will you be the next bachelor?  I don't know.  But I do know that I think you are about a thousand times more awesome after dropping an f-bomb at the men tell all.  However, talking about how you've been too perfect for women your whole life, not so awesome.

It has become clear to me that you are that dude who desperately wants a girlfriend that you can lavish affection on and do anything for, further proving that you are the nicest guy alive.  This seems wonderful in theory, but it is actually overbearing and a huge turn-off in real life.  Sorry.

Still, you are exactly the kind of soulless pretty-boy that the producers love.  

See you next season,

Dear Dave,

Your crazy eyes scare me.  And you are inappropriate and a creeper.  But I feel a little bad for you getting owned on national TV for doing stuff that you've been getting away with at bars/slow-pitch softball tourneys your whole life.  You probably wish someone had told you sooner.

Clean it up, seriously.

I hope we never meet,

Dear Michael,

It was really good to see you again.


Dear Chris Harrison,

You are my new hero.  I've always had a great liking for you, as I can tell that you think everyone on the show is crazy.  But last night you were lifted to an entirely new level.  I assume you had just finally had enough of the insane douche-baggery that is these men.  (And you were probably also a little ashamed for your entire gender.)

I loved how you tore apart "Man Code" and altogether owned the Bachelors.  You seemed genuinely pissed at Dave for manhandling Jillian and did not hold back in calling him out on it.  Your genuineness (and sarcasm) endears you to me, and the rest of America.  Good work.  


Monday, July 20, 2009

Still Concernced

I may be going slowly insane.  Here are two stories from the last 24 hours that demonstrate why I fear this:

1) Yesterday, I took my weekly Sunday afternoon nap.  It was awesome.  I woke up because the dog was barking really loudly.  I was, of course, burning up.  (Does anyone else always wake up from naps really hot?  This doesn't happen to me when I'm sleeping normally, only when taking naps.  I find this weird.)

Anyway, I was warm and really thirsty.  So I got up, extremely disoriented, grabbed my water glass off of my nightstand, and then stood in the middle of my room for a good 30 seconds trying to figure out how to get to the kitchen.  I contemplated walking into the bathroom and then finally it came to me.  The door of my bedroom opens directly into the kitchen.

Whew, problem solved.

2)  Just about a minute ago, I started typing this post.  I began with the word "today" except I accidentally typed "toady."  Then I giggled for about 20 seconds.  I don't know why I found the word toady so funny, but I did.

I'm concerned.  

In completely unrelated news, my (creepy) friend Kelly just put up a video of when he was visiting me in NYC.  A bunch of the interns were there, along with Kelly and Gentges.  Kelly, obviously, spent the whole time obnoxiously filming us all and making us look like extreme-o tourists, but I just watched it and it made me really happy.  Because that was a really fun week and I really, really love everyone in it. 

Here it is:
Much love.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Books of Kate, Chapter 3

Yeah, I definitely thought I was going to do this book review thing a lot more often.  Hasn't really happened.  And I've definitely been reading a lot at work.  Oh, well.  Book #3:

On a suggestion from my stepsister, Kelley, I picked up a book called Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea a couple of weeks ago.  Middle eastern culture produces some incredible stories and the story-tellers to go with them, and I've been on a kick with this style of book ever since reading The Kite Runner a couple of years ago.

The writing is a little lacking but the story more than makes up for it.  This book is an only slightly fictionalized account of four 20-something women living in Saudi Arabia.  The author wrote the revealing tale from within it and the characters in it are her real-life closest friends.

The book was written in email installments.  Alsanea created a Yahoo Groups account and would send out a chapter ever Friday.  Her following quickly grew and she was both loved and hated by her fellow Saudi Arabians and others across the world.

The women are what make this book so compelling.  They are all a part of Riyadh's upper class, women that are well aware of the Western world.  They spend summers in London.  They wear Badgley Mishka and Elie Saab.  They speak English.  They watch Sex and the City.  They celebrate Valentine's Day.  One of the women lived in America until the age of 13 while her father went to and then worked at Stanford.  They are no different from me in many ways.

And yet they marry men that they've only seen face to face once.  They are not allowed out without a male to accompany them.  They can't drive.  Divorce is the worst shame.  They have entire relationships based on phone calls, texts, and IMs.  They embrace and embody their culture and religion, but yet see so far outside it.  It is a striking juxtaposition to say the least.

What is interesting is their views on change.  In a way, they value and respect their culture, but of course they want something more.  Two of the women end up divorced.  Two fall in love with men who aren't allowed to marry them because of the women's reputations, placed on them solely by the men around them.  And yet one ends up happily married and another happily single.  

All in all it was a good book and brought to light the lives of a whole new group of people different from me.  I like it.

Bonus:  Alsanea started the book with a poem by Nizar Qabbani, a male Saudi poet who writes often of the women in his culture.  His sister committed suicide after being left by her fiance and it greatly influences his work.  Alsanea used his poems several times, but I found this one achingly beautiful:

I shall write of my girlfriends
for in each one's tale
I see my story and self prevail,
a tragedy my own life speaks.
I shall write of my girlfriends,
of inmates' lives sucked dry by jail,
and magazine pages that consume women's time,
and of doors that fail to open.
Of desires slain in their cradles I'll write,
of the vast great cell,
black walls of travail,
of thousands, thousands of martyrs, all female,
buried stripped of their names
in the graveyard of tradition.
My female friends,
dolls swathed in gauze in a museum they lock;
coins in History's mint, never given, never spent;
fish swarming and choking in every basin and tank,
while in crystal vessels, dying butterflies flock.
Without fear
I shall write of my friends,
of the chains twisted bloody around the ankles of beauties,
of delirium and nausea, and the nighttime that entreaty rends,
and desires buried in pillows, in silence.

This Counts as a Post, Right?

I read an article in the Washington Post today saying that crocs were going out of style and the company is going to go bust any day now.  I won't pretend I'm sad about that bit of news.  I'm pretty proud of myself for never hopping on that bandwagon.  I discussed it a little for practical purposes in the Canyon but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  There's something about an oversized neon clog that just doesn't please me aesthetically.  

In other news, I got rejected from yet another job today.  I'm essentially numb to it at this point, as it's happened so frequently over the last 6 months.  I think if I keep my expectations shockingly low, it will be a wonderful surprise when someone (besides a retail business) actually hires me. 

I still haven't really decided what to do with all the dead time.  The other day I decided I should use it to start writing my first opus, but I just haven't found the right inspiration.  Oh, well.  Guess I'll stick to blogging and watching bad reality TV.

Last on this list of random topics, I watched JK Rowling: A Year in the Life last night.  I desperately want to be her.  For many, many reasons, but mainly, in an over-arching way, because she is awesome.

Song of the Day: Tuesday in Amsterdam by Counting Crows

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I don't think I even need to say anything about the latest ep of So You Think You Can Dance.  Hands down the best dance of the year so far was Travis Wall's (we missed you!) contemporary danced by Jason and Jeanine.  Beautiful.

Kupono and Randi are in trouble, but I'm hoping Jeanette goes home for the ladies.  

Here it is: (the dance itself starts at 2:35)

New Twist: I'm the Half-Blood Princess

As you may already know, I love Harry Potter.  I'm talking the Cardinals and my Blazer kind of love.  It's that extreme.

I am that girl at every midnight premier.  I've read all the books more than once.  (The first few several times because I would reread them all every time a new book would come out.)  I have played Harry Potter with my nephew more times than I can count.  I just love Harry Potter.

I love it because I'm in awe of JK Rowling's ability to create an entire world.  I love it because it has simple and innocent themes that resonate.  I love it because it gets better and older and darker as it's characters do, and just as life does.  I love it because it got kids (and adults) excited to read and talk about what they were reading and exercise their own creativity.

But I think mainly I love it because, across 7 years now and 9 book/movie premiers, the entire series has provided me with a wide range of wonderful memories with a wide range of people I love.  

I first started reading HP right before the first movie came out in 2002.  My best friend from high school, Trina, was the only person I knew who read the books.  They weren't quite as popular in the states then as they are now and were still kind of considered children's books.  But I'm normally willing to read almost any book someone gushes about, and she really wanted me to go see the movie with her which I would not do without reading the book.  Hence, I read the first book.

Trina's mom camped out to get us tickets on opening day of the movie and we went immediately after school to see it.  

I was hooked.

Only the first 4 books were out then.  I have so many more memories from the premiers of the rest of the books/movies.  Dressing up to see the 5th movie a couple of summers ago.  Just weeks before, going at midnight to buy the last book and reading straight through to the next day so no one could ruin it for me.  Fun times with Trina, Paige, Bryce, Rachel, Kelly and more and more people.  Connecting with random strangers.

I love Harry Potter.

Last night's premier was another one to add to the books.  Liz, Kaleb and I made the trek to AMC Mainstreet for the 12:30 show.  After going crazy with excitement watching the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are, we settled in for the show.  I was loving it.  I think they did such an incredible job, once again, bringing things to life and staying fairly true to the books.  I got teary-eyed when the Burrow burned down.  I laughed a lot at Lavender and Luna.  I got really excited for the teenage hook-ups.

Then the dramatic part.  Dumbledore and Harry headed to the cave to look for the Horcrux.  They get across the lake in the boat, they find the potion, Dumbledore begins to drink, Harry starts shouting, and then.... black screen.  

That's right, the projector overheated and went out with about 15 minutes of the movie left.  People were legitimately pissed.  It was already 3 AM at this point and everyone wanted to finish the movie.  Badly.

But there was apparently nothing they could do, so they sent us home with free tickets.  (I was hoping for a cash refund since I had used my free tickets already to get in.)  I was pretty upset, but let's be for real, I was already planning on seeing it more than once anyway.  Also, it was pretty funny to see how bold people will become when mob mentality sets in.  No one is shy about shouting out mean things to the theater workers who clearly have no control over the projector functioning when comforted by the anonymity of the crowd.  I love it.

I'm thinking I'll go see it again in imax.  Who's with me?

P.S.  I didn't get to see the end, but I think Malfoy's acting stole the show in this one.  He broke my heart and I have previously loathed him.  Well done.  And young Voldemort?  Creepy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kiptyn? Really?

Dear Jillian,


I don't really know what to say to you about this week.  Honestly, it was kind of boring.  Here's my advice:  settle down a little.  

It was a little extreme how hard you were pushing Reid to tell you he loved you.  I think it would be better to respect him for not being willing to express feelings he's not sure he has.  I mean, you've known each other for like 3 weeks.  And you've been in extreme circumstances.  That is not love.  That is excitement and adventure.  Maybe with marriage, a life-long commitment, you should go at your own pace, not at ABC's pace.

Kiptyn continues to bore me.  He doesn't really seem to have a personality.  And I don't really see it, physically.  But whatever floats your boat.

And then there's Ed!  Between his Euro short-shorts and his Miami Vice powder blue suit, I was a little iffy on Ed! this week.  But his parents totally redeemed him.  What fantastic Midwestern parents.  I don't know how someone that hot came out of 2 such awkward people but I love them.  

Also, I really need you to call me and tell me what happened in the bedroom.  ABC's previews and your interviews seem to imply different things.  Was it a fall asleep in the middle of something incident or was it something else?  I think America deserves to know.

It seems pretty clear to me that you're going to pick Ed! but I've been wrong before.  Can't wait to see the Men Tell All special next week and hear what you have to say about Wes now.

Hope it works out,

Dear Reid,

I'm sorry, buddy.  But at least you got to keep your dignity.  All in all, good work.


Dear Ed!,

Seriously, rethink the shorts.  I never want to see upper man thigh.  But if you could just gaze deep into my eyes and then smile, that would be nice.

Talk to you soon,

Dear Bachelors,

Don't be shy at the tell-all next week.  I want to hear everything.  And Dave, if you want to punch some people, that would be fine.

See you next week,