Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just As I Expected

My life is crazy.

Now, I can't claim that I had a whole lot going on before I moved out here, but the last 3 days have been the most exhausting I've had in a long time.

And I love it.

(Liz- You might want to stop reading now. I'm going to blog about what I've been doing and I know how you hate that.)

I got here Wednesday evening and moved my stuff into Katie and Jen's which is where I'll be staying perhaps permanently, perhaps just until they hire someone for the kitchen (depending on who that is). It is beautiful and quiet and peaceful at their house and I really enjoy it. The room I'm sitting in right now has 10 windows and they all look out into trees, trees, and more trees. It's completely quiet, except for when you hear the train. (I find the sound of trains soothing, I think because it always makes me think of my grandparents' house.)

That night I went to Family Dinner, the weekly staff hang-out/potluck. I am a big fan of potlucks, so this makes me happy.

I started work bright and early the next morning with the 7:50 daily staff meeting. I spent the rest of the day with Katie, who was doing my job on top of hers (she's in Guest Services) for the past year. It seems like she did an awesome job, but I'm sure she's glad to get it off her plate. It's actually great for me that she's still around because she'll be an awesome resource.

I spent the day listening intently to Katie as she walked me through everything having to do with Housekeeping at Lost Canyon. They're trying to give me a crash course before I leave for training on Monday, so it's a whole lot of information coming my way that I'm desperately trying to catch and hold onto. At one point, I was walking around with a stack of binders/folders/manuals that would've put any freshman in high school to shame. I had to consciously remind myself to make my face not reflect complete and utter intimidation, but I think I held my own.

Thursday night was Women's Bible Study, which was fun although I had lost all ability to functionally communicate by that point. I found myself talking and thinking in my head that what I was saying had nothing to do with the topic at hand, nor made any sense, but I kept going anyway. Despite this, it was encouraging and there are some great women here that I'm excited to get to know better.

Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning with Esther and Linda, the two Housekeepers on staff. They are funny Williams locals and quite the characters. I'm sure I'll have a lot of stories from the two of them. They were sweet and very welcoming and showed me the ropes. They're still catching up from summer and being short-handed while hiring me, so there's a lot to be done.

I spent the rest of the evening getting my office (semi-) in order and playing with my new work email. (It makes me feel so legit.) I came home, watched the Cardinals game on my computer and was asleep by 9:30.

I slept in today, woke up to watch the early Cardinals game in bed, grabbed some Subway with Jen (my other roommate and the area director for Young Life here in Williams), and then began to wade through the stack of manuals that I brought home with me.
Also, there's a giant wildfire burning a couple of miles from me. They started a controlled burn that went rogue and had the camp on high alert for possible evacuation of the group in this weekend. The sky is filled with smoke and I've been listening to helicopters and planes that are dumping water all day. I don't really know what to do about this. I found myself listening for the tornado sirens, but I don't think they even have those here. I'm just assuming someone will call me if I need to evacuate or something.

I'll keep you updated on whether or not I burn down.

Much Love.

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