Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Employment is Nice

It's been 5 days since I last blogged.

I want to post, but I literally can't get my brain to function in any way other than to think about Housekeeping. And I'm exhausted. Like, it's 9:00 and I could legitimately go to sleep right now, exhausted.

I love it.

I love the first weeks of a new job, where everything is so crazy you feel like you're always on the verge of being completely overwhelmed. I love working so hard and exercising my brain so much that I have to turn it off at the end of the day.

I know that in a few weeks this will all be routine. I'll know who to call when my washer breaks and I'll know how to turn in my invoices to our bookkeeper. But for now it's all wonderfully new.

Oh, yeah, and it's also super awkward, hard, grating on my pride, and has caused me to fall ill.

Back at it tomorrow!

Song of the Day: Song Up in My Head by Sarah Jarosz (my new favorite to listen to while answering emails/wading through the mass amounts of docs saved on my work computer.)

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