Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yep, I'm a Whiner

Before I blog, I have to say, Bonnie- I feel the same way when I read your blog. Glad to know you're jamming to Christmas carols as well and I will put up pictures soon, I promise. (By this, I mean I've taken my camera to work for 2 days now and forgotten to take pictures, but I'm bound to remember eventually.)

Shout-out over. Actual blog post, begin.

Today was one of those days where I finally just had to leave work (at hour 10) because all I was doing was staring at the computer screen and thinking, "There is literally no way I'm going to get everything I want to get done, done."

It's week 4 and I know it. I'm not going to be able to do everything I want to do. It doesn't matter if I stay late every day and bound in every morning with endless energy. It's just not going to happen.

Housekeeping is a repetitive job. You clean things, just so that someone can use them and you can clean them again. There's satisfaction in walking into a room to see a complete mess and walking out half an hour later with everything clean, shiny and lined up perfectly.

But then, 2 days later, it's dirty again.

This is even more frustrating when it comes to laundry. I have my goal: get everything clean and folded. I have to break it down. First, get everything clean. I do it. I stay late to change over laundry and at the end of the week, my dirty carts are empty.

However, I have 6 clean carts loaded with unfolded, clean laundry. That's OK, we'll catch up on folding next week. But, oh yeah, a small weekend filled up 5 carts of dirty laundry again. Sigh, regroup, start it all over.

For a task-oriented, grind-it-out type of girl, this kills me. So I'm deciding right now not to let it. I'm going to do all I can with what I have and ask for help when I need it.

Hold me to it, friends. Because I can almost guarantee I'll be right back here, complaining about the never-ending cycle again soon.

Sorry to whine, but really, what are blogs for?

On a lighter note, here's another installment of Old YouTube Videos Revisited: Japanese Mob Scare Prank (This, combined with my roommate's dog and blog venting have completely restored peace and happiness into my heart. It's so funny.)

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