Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Don't Like to Rush

OK, so my new "blog at lunch" plan is flawed.

Why? Because after eating my lunch and checking my email, I have exactly 6 minutes in order to blog about all the awesome things that have happened to me in the past few days.

Like the fact that I filled up my Blazer with gas for the first time since I got here. My commute is pretty sweet and is saving me some serious cash in gas.

I also don't have time to tell you that I've stayed up past 10 for 2 nights in a row now! The adrenaline is wearing off and I'm realizing that I can handle my job and life with out quite so much franticism (franticness?).

OK, my time is seriously up.

I'm panicing a little because I can't obsessively reread this post to make sure there's no grammatical errors or typos. Don't judge me too harshly, I guarantee you I will change them later if I come across them.

Much Love.

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