Sunday, November 8, 2009

You're Welcome

Whelp, it's Sunday night which means that I am wide awake when I should be asleep. (And, consequently, that I'm going to be very grumpy and need lots of coffee tomorrow.)

Obviously, I am listening to the new John Mayer single on repeat while cuddling up under my down comforter and staring at the ceiling.

This clearly means that I am feeling inspired to journal, but I really don't want to get up to turn the light on. Thank goodness I have a blog, right?

I realize that I have not been blogging very often lately. You all probably don't really care, but I miss it. And while I'll probably never achieve the 32 blog posts in one month as seen last January, I do have a plan to up my blog game a little.

That plan may or may not involve blogging while I eat my lunch alone at my desk. But now that I've typed that, it makes me feel kind of pathetic. So maybe I'll go eat lunch with my co-workers and not blog. Or I'll just continue to do what I've been doing which is catch up on work emails and check facebook. I have so many options.

I'm going to go to sleep now, but I'll leave you with a question that I believe is plaguing all of humanity right now: How do I get Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA out of my head? Seriously, I need some help.

Song of the Night: Who Says by John Mayer

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