Monday, November 23, 2009

Yep, New Moon

I went and saw New Moon this weekend. I'm not even going to pretend to be all embarrassed about it. It was awesome.

Seriously, I realize that it is angsty and about vampires and that 13-year-old girls go crazy for it, but I love it.

I, unfortunately, couldn't go to the midnight premier because I have a big girl job now and we had a crazy busy day on Friday that I needed to be ready for. (Otherwise, I totally would have. I love midnight premiers. Although hysterical middle schoolers scare me, so this one might've been too much for me.)

Instead, we went to a Sunday matinee. We bought our tickets 2 hours early and there were people lining up to get into our show already. We weren't that concerned with our seat position, so we came like 15 minutes early and ended up in the 2nd row which is nowhere near as cool as it used to be. In fact, it makes me a little motion sick.

The best thing about going to the Sunday matinee is that all the middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college kids had already seen it. Who does that leave? 20-something to middle-aged women. That was the entire sold out theater.

This audience definitely made things more enjoyable. There was no squealing and glee when Jacob took off his shirt, but instead hearty laughs at how cheesy it was. The entire series tends towards the cheesy and I was glad I saw it with people who could appreciate the humor but yet still gasp out loud when Edward leaves.

It was awesome, I'm firmly on board with the hype, and I'm immediately rereading my books (again) as soon as they get here this week. I don't care what you think.

And you're welcome for returning to Twilight posting. I know you've missed it.

Song of the Day: Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent

1 comment:

Sara W said...

I love that song!!!!! And I can't wait to reread the books either! Hahah...