Monday, January 19, 2009

Sometimes Pictures Make Me Cry

I'm feeling very nostalgic today.  This always happens to me when I'm facing a transition.  It makes me remember things with great joy and miss things more than normal.

The nature of my life has begun to create a weird reality.  I have people that are very important to me spread out over the whole of the US.  I think this is typical of people my age.  You move, your friends move.  Everyone spreads out.

What's weird about it are these people aren't really connected.  It's not like I'll see them all at my high school reunion or at someone's wedding.  I'll see pieces of them.  I'll see college friends or friends from the Canyon.   Friends from home.  Young Life kids.  Family.  

They're all these separate entities, largely unaffected by one another.  Most don't necessarily even know each other.  It's a weird thing.

And I miss them all because I'm here and they're not.

And I'm not ready to put down roots.

So I'll continue to collect people to love.  I'll continue to attempt to pour into their lives even though I'm far away.  And I'll remember that relationships change and it will never be the same to be a faraway friend as it is to be an everyday part of someone's life. 

But that doesn't mean they're not important to you and you're not important to them.  We can live and love and move on.  

I like life.    

Song of the day: Just Dance by Lady Ga-Ga

1 comment:

Living on Love said...

"I'll continue to collect people to love." I love that. That probably is in my top 3 favorite lines ever put on a blog.

As far as job search... you could work at coffee shop :)