Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm a Vagabond... A Glamorous One!

Sometimes I get irrationally mad at inanimate objects.  Yesterday was a nail, today is Facebook.  (I've realize after typing this that Facebook isn't really an object but I don't want to get into the existential bullshit that would go with trying to define what "person, place, thing, or idea" category Facebook would go in... You'd have to look at my brother's blog for crap like that.)

The reason I'm mad at Facebook is simple:  I can't get my freaking pictures to upload.  I've read the entire feature article in this week's Newsweek as well as the funny celebrity gossipish page in the back and the book/movie reviews.  This is not a particularly short task, but was all accomplished in the amount of time it took 5 pictures to upload on Facebook.

Honestly, my Newsweek is probably to blame for my disgruntled attitude, but I love it too much to blame it.  Facebook and I have always had a volatile relationship.

The reason Newsweek is breaking my heart is because, even though it's the low, low price of only $20 for an entire year, I can't justify spending any money to renew my subscription.  I'm super broke and don't have a job and am taking a cross country road trip and am moving.  Yeah.  All of those add up to the issue I read today being my last issue of Newsweek for a while.

For those of you who don't know, I've been getting Newsweek since my senior year of high school and for a few years, was getting Time as well.  I don't know why, but I somehow feel better getting my news from a respectable, only slightly obviously biased newsmagazine than any of the crap on TV.  So that means that Newsweek has been in my life longer than most of the people who read this blog.

But sacrifices must be made.  I'm just going to pretend I'm some kind of glamorous vagabond so that I don't get sad or anxious about the fact that I'm broke broke.  (And actually in debt, thank you student loans!)  I'd rather have fun than things.  So Newsweek must go.

Oh, well.  I guess it's back to getting my news from the internet and John Stewart just like everyone else in the world.  Dumb, uninformed and broke, but loving life anyway!  (That's going to be my new motto.  You can use it if you want.)

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