Monday, January 19, 2009

Ratting Each Other Out is Never a Good Idea (Bachelor, Ep. 3)

Oh, my goodness.  I should not be this excited about a show, but I AM!  This episode did not disappoint.  The women were a disgrace to my gender and Jason continues to end up looking cute even though completely delusional.  

This episode started with a solo date with Stephanie, the widowed single mother.  It took place on her daughter's birthday which she was missing to be on the show.

She decided to deck herself out in some kind of feathery bright pink scarf-like thing and a claw clip for her hair and headed out to meet Jason for a date on the beach.

Jason (by Jason, I mean the producers) surprised Stephanie by bringing her daughter to the date.  Jason cemented his place in the women of America's hearts (and mine) when he teared up watching the reunion between mother and daughter.

Stephanie managed to pull off what seemed like a fun date and her daughter is cute, although Paige astutely noted last week that Stephanie most likely puts her daughter in pageants which I pinpointed as the basis of my dislike for her.  

The second date of the night was the group date and Jason decided to pull out all the stops with the uber-fratty black striped shirt unbuttoned under a blazer.  He continues to lack a little on the fashion front.

He took the girls to an art studio where they made plaster casts of their breasts for "breast cancer awareness." 


This prompted a lot of talk about how Jason was a philanthropist and how attractive he is because of it.  I would agree with that if "philanthropist" means "horndog who just wanted to see how all the girls looked topless."

They put the girls behind a see-through screen that did nothing to conceal anything and Jason remained shirtless the entire time.  

Erica looked hilariously frightened the whole date.  

This date prompted some of the best quotes of the night:

"I like to stare at him... ha!" -Shannon

"I have no problem being naked for a greater cause."  -Jillian

"If everyone's going to have breast cancer and their kids can't be breastfed, then we're screwed." -Megan

"To have 10 days without anyone looking up to me or thanking God that I'm in their life was driving me crazy.  So tonight was great."  -Megan

I have nothing to say about the solo date with Natalie that came next because 1) my dinner had just come, 2) he only liked her because she was hot and 3) he clearly was not going to give her a rose.

Natalie left with the classic angry limo ride.  Way to go out with some class, Natalie.

My favorite part of the night came next.  And that is the drunken, last-ditch, mansion party.

Jason went on a mission to find out who "wasn't there for the right reasons."  That included asking several of the girls to rat out the other girls.

All of the girls politely dodged the hints, staying well clear of the fink role.  Well, all except Lauren.  Come on, Lauren, the fink never gets the ring.  

 Nikki stated she wanted Jason to see her "fun side."  I think she pulled that off with her dress (if you change "side" to "bags.")  She also went for the most awkward kiss ever until Stephanie kissed him accompanied by a speech a few minutes later.  Both had to be watched through my fingers covering my eyes.

Classic quote from the mansion party:

"It was beyond I want to be here, I like you, I know your birthday..." -Jason about Shannon

The rose ceremony was fraught with drama.  Chris asked them to reveal anything they thought Jason should know... AWESOME!!!  Man, do these producers know how to stir up some drama.

The girls first attempted to act like everyone got along, but then Megan straight called out Lauren, engaging her into a cat fight which Erica felt the need to sass into as well.  Come on, girls.  When the guy you're after looks uncomfortable/embarrassed, you are not winning him over.  Although, that look comes out a lot on this show so I can see how it could be confusing.

Shannon broke down, the roses were handed out.  Erica and the girl who didn't speak until her exit interview got cut.  Good call on Erica.  I was not liking her.

See you next week.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Now that he knows Lauren will rat all the other girls out he is going to keep her around as his spy and then boot her when the time is right. I think my favorite line of the night was, "If you have a mastectomy, can you still breast feed?" Of course said by who I think might be the stupidest girl there, Megan. Can't wait until next week when Jason and Molly spend the night together in a tent!