Friday, January 16, 2009

I'll Probably Delete This One

New Kelly Clarkson!  New Kelly Clarkson!  New Kelly Clarkson!

I have many, many guilty pleasures, but Kelly is one of the tops.  I love her.  I sing her songs very loudly while dancing around my house with great abandon.

It's much like this (except normally much louder, people were asleep):

(You'll notice Elvis in the background, also getting down.)

Also, I love Beyonce.  I used to find her personally annoying but then she married Jay-Z (the coolest rapper ever) and put out her fiercest album yet.  

In short, I love the ladies that can belt it.  (You bet Christina's on that list.)  I love pop when it's done by someone who can actually sing.  And these ladies can sing.

Lastly, since nobody ever answers my questions, I'll ask you another one:  What's geekier, this video itself or the fact that I made it?  You be the judge.

1 comment:

Craig Henry said...

OMG, was i upstairs when you made this?!