Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Talking About Twilight

I've become a bigger fan of Twilight and here's why: almost everyone I know has read/is reading them.  I discussed them with my grade-school aged cousin at family Christmas.  Ashley, Elizabeth, and Ryan were all reading them in KC.  And now my mom is sitting across the room from me reading the first book.

Normally I hate being on the bandwagon, unless I can firmly state that I was all about whatever it is months before you had ever even heard of it.  (Do you judge me a little for saying that?  I do.) But it never bothers me with books.  I think it's because it's kind of rare to find someone else who has read the same book that I'm reading.  It doesn't happen very often. 

I've realized that most people like to have a book that they're working on, but more often than not it's some kind of self-help or other non-fiction book.  And those are great and important and I read plenty of them.  But I get really excited when people are reading for pure enjoyment, not necessarily to learn anything.

I think I might need to be a teacher some day.  And if I am, I'll encourage my students to read crap like Twilight because at least it gets the imagination flowing.  

Don't worry, I haven't lost all my dignity.  I still try to hide the fact that I love them until I know that the person I'm talking to loves them too.  It's like a funny club or something.

On another note, it's snowing like crazy here!  It's kind of eerie because the streets are empty.  But it's also really beautiful.  I'll try to take some pictures.  But no guarantees.  It's really cold.

Much love.

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