Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Question to Ponder...

I know it doesn't seem like it, but I'm really trying not to over-post.  I know that a lot of my readership (you can laugh at me for using the word readership, I did) only checks in every once in a while so the chances that they read any more than the first one, maybe two posts is slim.

With that in mind, I always have certain posts that I really want people to read, but then I can't resist posting crap about my internet research of chickens and the song that's perma-stuck in my head.

Inevitably, the posts I actually like get pushed down to the bottom of the page and there is nobody reading them.

This is why I try not to over-post.

But this is a necessary one.  I have a question that I think about all the time and I'm just wondering if anyone else has pondered it as well:

Do other people read the same way I do?

I often get yelled at about how fast I read, so clearly I'm doing something different.  But I have no idea how to describe to you how I read.  So how do we know if we do it the same?

My curiosity extends beyond that to whether or not my thought process functions the same way as others'.  I think that I think in scenes more than other people, but again, I really have no way of knowing that.

I don't know why the reading thing bugs me so much, but if anyone ever wants to sit down and describe in detail what happens in your brain when you see words on a page for me, I would really appreciate it.

OK, I need to go to sleep now.  And I'll never post 3 times in one day again, I promise.

*OK, luckily the internet wasn't working at midnight when I tried to post this.  So technically it's not 3 posts in one day...  See, I'm not blog obsessed!  

1 comment:

John Wiehe said...

Life seems pretty terrifying and I haven't even started yet. How's the Big Apple?