Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Mental Health Still Concerns Me

I've blogged before about my obsessive tendencies and I've realized today that I left out one of my more consuming obsessions...


I love music.  I spend a completely inappropriate amount of money on iTunes and, when I lived in Columbia, at Streetside Records.  I can't get enough of it.  My 60 gig iPod is full. (I refuse to get a new one because I have emotional attachments to inanimate objects.)

After Christmas, I banned all but absolutely necessary spending due to the fact that I'm going to be jobless in a week.  At that point, I started a list of the albums I want on iTunes so that I can remember to buy them when I get a job.  It's not like I sat around and thought about it, I just jot down an artist when they come to mind.  It's already got about 20 albums on it.  

I would argue that all this reveals is bad money management and an appreciation for music.  But there's one action that I think puts me back in Twilight-esque danger of OCD.

Every few days, I get stuck on a song.  Sometimes it's the same song for several days in a row, sometimes it's a new one from day to day.  But essentially, I will listen to this song over and over and over all day.  I'll listen to other songs too, but I can listen to one song on repeat up to 10 times in a row.  

In the Canyon, the drive to work took approximately the time of one song (awesome commute).  For a month straight that song was Tyrone Wells' "Sea Breeze."  Literally every time I would get in the car I would restart it.

Today, it is "I Caught Myself" by Paramore.  I love, love, love it.  It's my "I can't possibly imagine being in a relationship where I would be willing to commit" song. 

(I wasn't even going to tell you all it's on the Twilight soundtrack because I feel like I would be judged harshly for that.  But the only video I can find of it is the Twilight video.  So there you go, judge away.  But it's a legitimately good soundtrack, I swear.)

I'll keep you updated on what I'm listening to.  I'm sure you'll be sitting on pins and needles.  (Does anyone know where that saying comes from?  I just spent a while googling it with no success... I can hear you making fun of me in your heads, just so you know.)

*After rereading this post, I realize that it should not be surprising to me that I'm completely broke.  I will buy two albums on iTunes and a book at B&N in one day without blinking and then complain for an hour about having to pay my phone bill.  I should probably feel guilty about this, but it really just makes me want to rejoice in the fact that no one relies on me but me and I can spend my money however I want.  I seriously love my life right now!


Paige said...

Ways for Kate to save money:

1. Don't buy books at B&N.
--Go to the library. If it means that much to you to buy the book, just read from the library now and buy the book when you have the money. (And really I get more satisfaction from a library book knowing that others have enjoyed it as well. What good is buying a book if you are the only one to ever get to enjoy that copy?)
2. There's a useful, yet illegal, program called Limewire that you can find these songs you speak of.
--If the music snob in you won't let you do that, give me the list of songs and I'll put them on a CD for you.

There, the two things you spend the most money on all for free! Maybe I should write a book...

Alma O'scarlett said...

I listen to the same song ALL DAY, and I'm a college grad. Maybe we are just special for finding new things in these songs each time we listen