Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Would Like a Grande Americano with 2 Pumps of White Chocolate, Please

I'm glad to see that someone took my threat seriously... Good post, Liz!

Here's another question for the blogosphere to ponder:  How is it that a cup of coffee in your hand can be the most relaxing thing in the world with the added bonus of giving you energy for the next couple of hours?

Seriously, that's an important question.  My love affair with (or addiction to) coffee continues to grow and grow.  I love coffee shops, I love coffee itself, I love the energy boost, I love drinking hot drinks.  I started to write an ode to coffee but its going to have to wait until I'm in a more creative mood (and until I can think of something to rhyme with caffeinated.)

On a completely separate note, I watched Martian Child and it reaffirmed that I want to adopt, preferably the actual kids that stars in the movie.  I think the story is one more example of the transformative power of simple love.  I highly suggest the movie, it's great.

Also, the part at the end where the kid is on top of the observatory made me think of one thing and one thing only:

"Dominic!  Get down from there!"

Name that movie.  We can only be friends if you know this reference.

The pressure's on.

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