Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Has Anyone Read All 100?

It's my 100th post!  Do you feel honored reading this?  You should.

Honestly, I was totally against blogs for a long time.  If you read my first post ever, you will know that I began this endeavor with some trepidation.  I always found blogs narcissistic and kind of pompous.  (I mean, there's a little bit of arrogance in thinking someone wants to read all about your life.)

But I was moving halfway across the country and as much as I hated the idea of blogs, I hated the idea of mass update emails even more.  The mass email just seemed too obnoxious to me.  I hate it when something I don't want ends up in my email in-box and I have to go through the effort of deleting it.  Also, I always feel a little bit of guilt in just deleting email updates unopened.  They aren't technically junk mail and I usually do care about the person who sent them and what they're up to.  So they sit in my in-box, unread, for months.  And a cluttered in-box stresses me out.  

So email updates were out.  Blogging was really my only option.  That way, if anyone actually wanted to know what was going on with me, they could come to my blog and find out.  

My blog has morphed a great deal since then.  The first year basically served as a "here's what I'm doing in the canyon" blog.  Since then, my life has become much less active, but much more blog-worthy (and random).  I've moved to NYC and am now moving to Kansas City after a cross-country road trip.  

It has been surprisingly fun having the last year and a half immortalized in blog form.  There is so much I put on here that I would never journal about but that are fun moments of my life that I love remembering.  It forces me to put my thoughts and stories down on (screen) paper which I think is a great thing.

There are a few drawbacks.  I have no idea who reads this outside of those who comment, so I don't necessarily feel more connected.  Although, for those of you who do (Paige!), I do feel like you're more a part of my life because of it.  However, it's definitely one-sided and I feel like I miss out on being a part of your lives in return.

Unless, you also have a blog.  Then I read immediately after you post every time and I love it!  So, if you don't have a blog, get one.  And if you're reading this, please comment every once in a while, just so I know you're there.

I have a feeling there will definitely be another 100 posts on this blog with more to follow.  

Much love.

Song of the Day: In Your Atmosphere (Live) by John Mayer

1 comment:

Webba83 said...

Kate, I read your posts, but I have never commented, sorry! I will try and start! They make me smile! So as you start your road trip today, I thought I would give you some things to look forward to in KC....we decided to start a girl hang-out once a week to watch the Bachelor together, the weekly dinners with the group, you getting to start your experience with the amazing thing that is Gossip Girl, ABC Family Original movies, and SOOOOOOOO much more :)