Thursday, May 21, 2009

Toilet Bobby

It is easy to pinpoint my favorite thing about working in a coffee shop: getting to know the regular customers.  

It is an interesting group of people who love their coffee and I love seeing the smallest little snippets of their lives.  I, being me, feel as though I know these people.  I've made up names and personalities and entire lives for them in my head.  

In fact, my coworker Nicole and I have turned guessing people's names into a game.  Everyone who comes in, we give a name to based on what we think would fit their personalities.  The problem with this is about half of our customers have actually told us their names and the other half we have made up.  And I can't for the life of me remember which is which.  So I'm sure to call someone by the complete wrong name any day now.

Some of my favorite customers so far are Rob, the guy who brought the same coupon from Ink in 4 times to get a free cup of coffee and Bobby, who very excitedly talked about how awesome our toilets are for a while.  Then there's Lynn and Tyrone who describe themselves as "early morning workout enthusiasts," Tom who journals for a while every day, and Frank, the self- (loudly) proclaimed small business owner with lots of suggestions.

It is an interesting cast of characters daily and that feeds my soul.  I hope to create a warm and welcoming place for them to have an awesome cup of coffee, time, and the environment to feed their souls a little as well.  I really enjoy coffee shops.

Also, my coworkers are awesome and when it's slow we play Uno.  We have a running scoreboard going and I (no surprise here) am dominating.  Really, they're all super cool and I've enjoyed getting to know them and laughing at funny coffee shop randomness.  

Oh, and SYTYCD starts tonight.  

Life is good.

Song of the Day: Dancing by Elisa (also a little taste of what we can look forward to all summer... easily my favorite show on TV.)

1 comment:

Paige said...

I luckily enough got done early tonight and I'm watching SYTYCD right now! God, I love this show!