Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Heard That Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

So the one benefit to being unemployed for so long was that I was keeping my room/bathroom/car extremely (by my standards) clean.  I'll be honest, it's the first thing to go once I'm busy.  My room is a mess right now and it's driving me a little nuts (but not enough to stop blogging and clean it).

However, if my mom were to walk into my room right now, she would probably be amazed at how clean it is compared to the state of my room always throughout my entire time living at home.  The older I get, the less I can stand clutter.  I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I live with increasingly less stuff the older I get.

I used to be a notorious pack rat.  5th grade art project?  Have it.  Every note ever passed to me in class? In a box in my closet.  Unfinished projects, books that I'll never read again, old cassette tapes, VHS movies without a VCR, notebooks, high school spirit day costumes, etc.? All tucked away at my parents'.

When I moved away to college, I brought a lot of stuff with me.  Almost all of the furniture in our duplex was mine.  The kitchen was fully stocked with my parents old dinnerware and pots and pans.  

Then I had to move to Oregon and could only take what would fit in my Blazer.  Then I had to move to NYC with whatever could fit in one suitcase.  My stuff significantly decreased.  And I realized I liked it.  A lot.

And now I find that I can't stand to be cluttered with unnecessary crap.

That does not mean I want my mom to get rid of my boxes of stuffed animals, but it does mean that I don't want to have to move them into my house.  (Sorry, Mom.)

Fortunately, I have Monday off.  That is going to mean a lot of cleaning and most likely a Goodwill run.  I love holidays.


Song of the Day: Sober by Pink (My favorite line: I don't want to be the girl that has to fill the silence... Solid.)

1 comment:

gwen said...

Kate, that was mean! I started reading and got really excited that you were willing to get rid of some of the boxes of stuff ... but, no! Let's do it ... come on!!

Also, please take a picture the next time your room is clean! I believe you but would love to see it!
