Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Love Blogs

I hope that I have made that clear.  If you have not started a blog yet, I highly encourage you to do it.

There is one problem that I have with blogging: it makes me not journal.  

I have always been a journaler.  It started in middle school with angsty poetry and purposefully mean entries that I would leave out for people to find.

It has always helped me to write things down.  It helps me process, remember, validate.  Even with simple things.  For example, if I write down directions to somewhere, I'll have them memorized.  You could tell me the directions 4 times and I'll get them mixed up, but if I write them down once, they're there forever.

I have never been a diary-keeper.  I never wrote down what I was doing or what funny thing happened that day.  That's something that the blog encourages me to do and I find that I love having those things preserved.

But there is a lot that I will never blog about.  I'm too aware of my audience.  If someone's hurt me, if I'm embarrassed or ashamed, I'm probably not going to put it out there for friends, family and random facebook followers to see.  But if I don't write about them, I'm going to ignore them.

Like today, I really wanted to write a post about how I emotionally attach certain things in my life to people that they remind me of and then when those people hurt me, it ruins those things that I love and it makes me mad.  But I realized I couldn't do that without talking about the person and the thing and the hurt involved.  And it doesn't seem fair to defame that person on my blog.  But you can only be so vague before it's completely impossible to connect with what is being said.  See?  

So, I guess I should stop talking about how I need to journal about this stuff and just go do it.  I guess I'll have to settle for something that (I can hope) nobody is ever going to read.

Much love.

Song of the Day: Be OK by Ingrid Michaelson

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