Monday, May 25, 2009

Judgement is So Easy (Bachelorette, Ep. 2)

Dear Jillian,

First of all, I would like to say that I approve whole-heartedly of you giving a rose to a man simply because he put on a speedo and jumped into the ocean.  I like what that says about your priorities.

Also, I approve of the fact that you then turned around and sent the dude home who stripped naked and jumped in the pool after calling everyone out to watch.  There's a fine line between funny and desperate, and you have drawn it well.

As someone sitting in my living room and judging you and this entire process, I can tell you that Wes is a scuzz bucket and the break dance instructor is awesome.  The Globetrotters, however, make me sad.  

I'll just reiterate one thing for you this week:  your grandma and America are watching.  Stop making out with boys you barely know.

Can't wait to see the helicopter ride with Ed next week!  


Dear Juan,

Can't say I'm shocked that the other guys voted you off.  You seem a little dishonest to me.  I'm not going to say over and over that you're breaking "Man Code" or suggest we tie you up and take turns beating you like Dave did, but I will say that you're kind of a tool.

BTW, it does not make you sound cool when you tell someone that their eyes are "absolutely luminous" in front of a camera.  That is a line.  Nothing but.

Best of luck!


Dear Dave,

Back off with the Man Code stuff.  Nobody knows what you're talking about.

Also, it's hard to get testosterone out of dress clothes, so please stop spewing it around the mansion.

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing you fight Juan.  If you do, I would suggest a throat punch.  It has proven effective for me.

Looking forward to it!


Dear Wes, 

Your plan's going to back fire.  Nobody will buy your record once they find out you're a sleaze ball.  Country music fans like their stars wholesome.  

I already hate you!


Dear Ed,

Call me.


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