Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Miss Dr. Becky

Cool kids wear sandals.

So, I finally broke down and went to the doctor.  I've been slowly hacking up my left lung for the past 3 weeks.  But I live in Kansas City and there's no Dr. Becky there.

(Dr. Becky is the doctor I've gone to literally all my life.  I have seriously only ever seen maybe 2 other doctors.  Both were at the student health center.  Both sucked.  There's something weird to me about seeing a doctor that doesn't also lead music at my church.  It's just how I was raised.)

I rarely go to the doctor, not because I don't believe in modern medicine, but because I'm always worried that I'm going to go and they're going to tell me that I have a common cold and I should stop whining.  However,  weeks of coughing is too much.  The taste of cough drops gets really old.

So, I came home and asked my mommy to put me in contact with my doctor.  Dr. Becky has retired (seriously, can I stop getting old please?), so I had to go see a new doctor.  But she's in the same office that Dr. Becky was in, so that was comforting.  

She determined there's really nothing wrong with me.


She gave me an antibiotic "just in case" and told me to come back if it doesn't get better.  I'm really hoping it gets better.

On a completely unrelated note, Rick Ankiel had the worst face-plant I've ever seen last night.  Ouchie.  Phil astutely pointed out to me that it was probably because he shaved the 'stache.  I think he's right.  Really though, it was a scary hit and Ankiel's one of my favorite players, so I'm hoping he heals quickly.  

Mucho amore.

1 comment:

Craig Henry said...
