Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Don't Care if You Like It, I'm Doing It Anyway (Blog Edition)

I have what I feel is a pretty accurate premonition that nobody takes the times to listen to my songs of the day.  

Even though they are awesome and I take great care in picking them and spend lots of time on youtube wading through the crappy videos people took with digital cameras to get to ones that have decent audio.

I've been paranoid about this for a while and considered posing the question to all of you to see if it was worth it to keep putting them up.

But then I decided I didn't want to.  Because I really like posting them.  They normally completely sum up something that is going on inside my head or remind me of some moment or just bring me joy.  And if I asked if you all listen to them and I didn't get a single affirmative response, I'd have to stop posting them.  Because of my pride, you know.

So instead I'm going to post one of my all-time favorites and just assume that everyone is going to click on the big play button and thoroughly enjoy my awesome taste in music.

If you wanted to spend some time affirming me by commenting on how awesome it is, that would be fine.  Even if you're one of those people who doesn't comment because you think it's probably a little creepy that you read my blog since we only kind of know each other.  (You know who you are... You found my blog because we have some random mutual friend that posted my link or you accidentally facebook stalked me and now you read my blog all the time.  And I know you're out there because I'm that person on several other people's blogs.  Probably yours if you've got one.)  Just post anonymously.  I don't have a way to track you down, don't worry.  

This song is literally one my favorite songs of all-time.  It is the ultimate late-night, only one awake, staring at the ceiling song.  I love it like a person and I've listened to it a ridiculous amount of times over several years.  I've also spent a lot of time journaling with this song on repeat.  And I have no idea why I love it so much which kind of makes me love it more.


Song of the Day:  Mid-November by Johnathan Rice


Bonnie Meyer said...

kate, i rarely listen to people's music when they post things, but I listened one day to one of your song posts and I have to say...i liked what i heard. Thus, i'm expanding my music collection thanks to you. I like what you like. keep it coming.

Sara said...

He sounds like John Mayer! =)

And I like the videos! Keep them coming!!