Friday, April 17, 2009

The Jumble

OK, I have several things to talk about today:

1) I'm trying really hard not to over-post about the Cardinals.  I know that most people don't necessarily care about them as much as I do and therefore probably don't care about how heartbroken I am that Carp is back on the DL and whether or not I think it was a good move to bring up PJ Walters.  

But just in the name of full disclosure, I love my Cardinals more than most people in my life.  It's true.  And I am very happy after a week in mid-MO because I watched every game I could and listened to the others on the radio, 2 things I can't do here in stupid KC.  Also, I'm sitting at Caribou right now, watching the Game Day pitch-by-pitch and getting excited about the fact that the Sunday Cards-Cubs game is going to be on ESPN.

2) A group of Red Hatters is meeting right next to me.  They are loud and have names like Norma.  They are wonderful and I want to be them when I grow up.

3) It is a beautiful day outside and I had an interview with an awesome new coffee shop going in in Power and Light.  I don't want to say any more about it until I hear something from them, but I'm excited.

4) I went along with my oldest brother on sales calls yesterday which meant a whole lot of time in the car together.  It was really fun.  I don't get to spend a lot of time with him, especially one on one.  It reaffirmed that I think he's cool and we both decided we feel really old when we realized that he's only a couple years younger now than my dad was when he started dating his mom.  In fact, my nephew (his son) is only a couple years younger than I was at that point.  Weird.  

We also talked about how freshmen in college make us feel ancient because we both still feel like we're college-aged until we see 19 year-olds.  They look like babies all of a sudden.  But he's 10 years older than me, so I would imagine that feeling's worse for him.

5)  I officially have health insurance!  My mom found out that I can still use her insurance through the entire year that I turn 25 even though I'm not in school.  So I'm going to have insurance for another year and a half.  Which is good because I still have a wicked cough.  I'm going to have to go to the doctor soon.  I have a serious concern that it is TB.  

6) Why is people falling down so funny?  (The ESPN highlight is way better because it shows David Wright cracking up at him.  But you get the idea.)

7)  This is a really long post.  My brother only read #1 and #6 on this.  If that's you as well, go back and read the rest.  I'm witty and entertaining and I do this for you.  (Actually, I do it so that I have a reason to be in the coffee shop for 3 hours.)

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Craig Henry said...

hahahaha, i also read number 4 until i realized it wasn't about me..