Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Love Rainy Days (And Ben Harper... And Books... And You)

That's all I really need to say today.  

It is pouring outside.  And thundering and lightening.  And being altogether awesome.

It's one of those warm, spring rains that actually improves my mood significantly.  Because it makes me sit in my coffee shop, drinking a soy latte, and reading.

And reading.

And then reading some more.

I finished half a book when it was kind of rainy the other day and I plan on finishing it today while I listen to Ben Harper.  But it may take a long time because I have to break to stare out the window and write emails and such.

There is no better rainy day recipe.

I highly encourage all of you to do the same.  I guarantee you will enjoy it.

Liz and I walked around and asked people questions about sandals yesterday.  It was really fun.

Oh, and on Friday we're going to win a year's worth of movies at a new AMC opening here.  It may involve dressing up.  You'll have to wait for the pictures.

Also, I just realized that this blog really sees the highs and lows of my life.  I feel like I'm either whining incessantly or gushing about how awesome life is.  I don't think I'm an overly-emotional person, so this may misrepresent me.  But I do get really excited about things, so maybe not.  

Now I'm paranoid.

I hope it's raining where you are!  Much love.

Song of the Day: Walk Away by Ben Harper (ridiculously good)

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