Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Facebook Friends = Real Friends

I have come up with a completely arbitrary measure of friendship that I now use pretty often. I will share it.

In order to determine how good a friend someone is, I simply go to their facebook profile and look for 2 things: 1) Are we actually friends? and 2) Do we have more than 50 mutual facebook friends?

This is fairly foolproof. The first question is important because I have a lot of fb friends that are not my actual friends in real life. I have recently been contemplating going through and unfriending everyone I don't really care about, but then I get too lazy. And I only want to do that if it doesn't notify the people that I've unfriended them.

I think my criteria for unfriending will be as follows: 1) I have not spoken to you either in person or on the phone in over a year, 2) I had to look at your profile to make sure that I actually knew you, 3) I get mad when you take up space on my newsfeed with your worthlessness, and 4) you have more than 1,000 friends.

More than 1,000 friends is completely unnecessary and proves that you are only trying to get a big number, not actually using fb to keep up with people. It's arrogant and weird.

That was what is called a tangent.

Back to my measure of friendship.

So, we are actual friends in real life. And now I see that we have over 50 friends in common. This is pretty arbitrary in some ways, but for the most part I think it shows that someone is really in your life. When I started out in the Canyon, my fellow interns and I only had like maybe 20 common friends. I was just on my friend Sara's profile and I noticed that we now have 74 friends in common.

74 is a big number. That's a lot of people that I love that she loves as well. That's a whole lot of people that are privy to both of our lives.

I like what that says about our friendship. I like that even though we live 2,000 miles apart, there are 74 people that connect us. It makes me feel like that distance is a little smaller.

Even throughout the volatile relationship I have with facebook, in this moment it brings me some comfort. I like that it makes the world a little smaller when people I love are far away.

Thank you, internet.

Song of the Day: Love You Till the End by the Pogues


Paige said...

Uh oh! We only have 31 facebook friends in common. Should I be worried that you are going to de-friend me? Maybe you should adjust the mutual friend number requirement.

On another note: A) You have not returned my phone call and B) When are you going to come to Columbia to play with me?!

Kate Bethany said...

Oh no, I'm not sure I can keep you around with only 31.

Just kidding! You meet every other friend criteria ever, so it's fine.

I have no idea if blogger notifies you when I comment after you, so this could mean nothing. I'll just call you right now.

Craig Henry said...

you can delete someone from your news feed without deleting their friendship. i've done that with a few excessive facebookers who i'm not that good of friends with.

just helping you to find successful but less divisive ways to solve your fb woes.

Sara said...

Aww... Thanks chica... I feel so special!! =D

P.S. It has felt like it's been a year since we've talked last... or two weeks... either way... way too long!! Miss you!!

Ashleigh said...

Ooo...I love going through my facebook friends and deleting people I don't care about! I'm learning to be a little more selective about who I accept now. :)