Monday, October 8, 2007

We're All in this Together

I can't believe it hasn't even been a week since I moved out here. It already feels like I've been here forever. I can already see how easy it would be to live within the camp bubble and not come outside of it. Because it's so kind of wonderful and ideallic. Although, I'm sure that will shatter at some point as well.

But my day...

Today was our first real All Clean Day. Today was also the first day I was really dragging getting out of bed. I think the week had finally caught up with me and I was really tired. But I got up, got dressed and headed to Geronimo.

We were lucky this week in that only one of the quads was used this weekend. So we got everything in the quads cleaned in the morning. We started off cleaning the bathrooms which means one person in each bathroom. But we were blaring some random 90s mixes that included the likes of Destiny's Child so it was still pretty fun. It works out that everyone ends up cleaning like 4 bathrooms which really isn't that bad.

After bathrooms, we split up into 2 teams (upstairs and downstairs) and go around and make sure of things like the blankets being folded correctly and the trash is emptied and every bed has a pillow. That was fun because we got to talk a lot while we did that. I was with Darren, Shea and Kristen for that part. It was good to talk to Darren because I hadn't really had a chance to talk to him yet. He's a really cool guy except that he was the first to make fun of my accent. I'm sure there is only more of that to come.

After we were done with that we cleaned the suites and then it was time for lunch. After lunch, the girls went back to Geronimo and the guys headed to Maintenance or Landscaping depending on which they're assigned to.

From Geronimo, Jen taught us how to use the giant lift truck we have for housekeeping and then took us to the Washboard, which is our laundry facility. We spent the afternoon there learning to fold precisely and washing sheets and towels. It was fun too because all the girls were together and we got to keep learning more and more about each other. One thing to be praying about is that there are a couple of girls that already really get on my nerves. It's already taking a lot of patience to be around them and we're going to be spending A LOT of time together over the next year, including small group. But I'm hoping that as we continue to get to know each other people will settle into their personalities more and become a little more laidback.

At the end of the day, Jen let us into the Summer Staff and Work Crew dorms which are brand new and really incredible. It's a beautiful building and one that some of you will hopefully come stay in this summer. Just a suggestion.

As of 5:00, we have entered into our first days off. It was a really weird feeling because I don't really know what to do with myself here. We're still in the phase where we're all trying to hang out a lot. I would love to get some alone time but I also think it's really important to hang out right now so I don't seem like I don't want to get to know people. It's a hard balance to strike right now, but hopefully I'll get some time to myself over the next couple of days.

We had dinner at 6:00 and then a bunch of the boys went to the gym. Mandi, Kristen and I settled into the living room to watch some Grey's and work on thank you cards for support. It was great just to sit and chill.

We had been talking at dinner about watching High School Musical tonight, so we got that going around 9:30. Dusty (of Dusty and Sara) is freakishly in love with the movies as well as several of the girls. So they're my kind of peeps. It ended up being Peter and Becca, Mike, Shea, Mandi, Kristen, Dusty and Sara and me watching it. It was really fun and funny especially because Peter, Mike and Shea had never seen it and Dusty knew all the words. The commentary by the boys was especially humorous.

We finished that and everyone headed back to their condos. Everyone seems pretty beat after the week of absorbing more information than I ever have in my life. We're planning on all heading into Bend tomorrow which is about 2 hours away. We decided to drive all the way in there so that we can stock up on stuff at Cosco and go to Target and stuff. It should be a fun day.

Paige- I was clearly thinking of you the whole time I was watching HSM.

Al- Thanks for calling and leaving me a message! I listened to it and it brightened my day.

Bryce- It was good to chat. And, no I haven't skated yet, I hope to rectify that soon. Yes, you absolutely can use razor skooters in the foam pit. Wildhorse does not have Sunkist but it does have Fanta. And I'm hoping there will be no bad blood after OU gets romped next week.

I love you all and still miss you like crazy!


brycestuck said...

When we went to Timberwolf with Oakwood this year, I introduced several of the guys to Code Red. Needless to say, the camp literally ran out of Code Red within three days because all 11 guys in my cabin were obsessed and drinking one every hour.. So the next question is, is Wildhorse a Coke or a Pepsi camp..

Also, are there mutterings of big cookie in your near future?

Paige said...

Pizza Guy:"And what drink would you like with that?"

Kate:" you have fanta?"

Pizza Guy:"No, but we do have fanta."

Kate:"Ok, we'll have a fanta."