Saturday, October 13, 2007

Can't Touch This!

It's late and I'm tired. But I will tell you of my day...

The Gig Harbor Campaigners came in last night and, therefore, the Sassy was open twice today. Which means that I didn't have to go in until noon. Which was sweet. So I set my alarm for 9:00, thinking I would get up and get some of my paperwork and such done. There's a lot of stuff that we have to have in by the 15th, but we're leaving right after work on Sunday for our retreat, so I need to get it done quickly. But, of course, I slept in until like 10:30 and then took my sweet time getting ready and stuff. So, I didn't get anything done.

It's nice on the weekends because the house is empty when I wake up and people kind of filter in and out throughout the morning. We all have different schedules depending on where we're working and stuff. So, the house was quiet when I woke up this morning and it was very peaceful.

The Sassy was a lot of fun this afternoon. We were scheduled to be there for almost 2 hours before we were supposed to open though, so we spent a lot of time doing random stuff like cleaning out the refrigerators. But it was good to have time to do that. And we stayed pretty busy throughout the afternoon which was nice.

We did come up with our Billy Sundae song which we decided would be to the tune of MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This." It's pretty awesome and includes some sweet rapping. And we had 2 orders for Billy Sundaes today so that was fun.

It was also really fun working with Dusty and Becca. Dusty is a riot, very sarcastic and funny. He kept me laughing all afternoon with his commentary about the high school kids who were dumb enough to be in the pool in the freezing cold. The Sassy's great because it's right in the middle of camp, so we can see a lot of what's going on. Becca's really funny too, very random and just ditsy enough to be endearing.

After we closed for the afternoon, we went to dinner and then Kristen, Becca and I helped Sara bake pumpkin cookies that were delicious. Then we had to head back into the Sassy at 9:30 and were open until 11:30. The night shift was really slow, but a bunch of people came to visit us, so it was still fun.

One funny thing that happened today: We have all these squirt bottles with different topppings like chocolate syrup and caramel and stuff. We set them on top of the espresso machine so that they'll warm up a little and pour easier and use them as toppings in espressos and on sundaes. There's this white one that we all thought was mayo but Angela told us it was White Chocolate. So Dusty was making a White Chocolate Mocha and went to drizzle white chocolate on top of the whipped cream and realized that it smelled weird. So, he tasted it and realized that it was in fact mayo... that had been baking on top of the espresso machine all day. And, what I didn't find out until later was, Dusty just scraped off the whipped cream and redid it but gave the girl the same drink. So some poor girl out there was walking around drinking a mayo flavored mocha. It was really gross.

Anyway, we closed up the Sassy and then I came home, paid some bills, worried about the fact that I'm really broke, and then got excited about the prospect of a real paycheck very soon. It's going to be really nice to be employed. Also, I filled out my 401(k) paperwork. I will be participating in the 4% matching program provided by YL and investing in the Fidelity Freedom Fund 2040. I think it's going to yield well for me. (I'm just pretending with the lingo; I have no idea what I'm talking about. I really just did what Rich said was best.)

Now it's very late and I'm still tired, so I'm going to go to bed. I love you all!

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