Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Had a Sandwich that was Named After Me Today!

I'm sitting in my living room chatting with everybody as I write this. So, if this is a little random, I'm sorry. I'm not focusing very well.

Today was my first day off. But I still got up pretty early. We had decided to leave around 10:00 for Bend, so I got up around 9:00. The Marrieds had gotten up and left at like 8:30. And Shea and Dan had headed into Madras because the boys were ripping down sheet rock yesterday and Shea got some fiberglass in his eye and it had swelled up really bad.

I got up, showered, got ready and headed downstairs to find a message from Shea on our white board that read, "Hey Ladies!- I pooped in the fridge! -Love, Shea." It was hilariously random, but we did check our fridge. You never know.

So the girls, Nick, Mike, Darren and I headed out of camp. It took us a couple of hours to get out to Bend. When we first got in, we met up with the Marrieds and got lunch in downtown Bend. Dan's from there, so he told us how to get to some really good local places. Kristen and I got sandwiches at a place called the Downtowner while everyone else went for pizza. It was a great little place and the people were super friendly. I had Kate's Chicken Salad sandwich. It was very yummy.

Also, Dan is really cool. He's kind of a hippy, super chill and finds himself funny which I find funny. I like him a lot as well.

After lunch, we went to Costco. I didn't buy anything because food in bulk kind of creeps me out. But I did get a $7 pair of jeans at the Old Navy next door. I only had one pair of jeans with me here that were kind of grungy work jeans. I needed some nicer ones to wear in the Sassy and stuff. And you can't really beat $7.

After that, we went to REI which is in an outdoor mall type of place. It was a really nice area. Bend is a really cool place. It's very outdoorsy. They have huge parks and a lot of locally owned businesses. The people were really nice and I met a guy from Missouri who was wearing a CO State shirt, which is where Kristen went to school.

After REI, we headed to Target where we picked up all the things we were missing for our condo. Target is as great here as it is at home. I love that store.

By the time we were done with Target, it had already been a really long drive. We decided to drive back to Madras to go to the grocery store so that we didn't have food in the car for 2 hours. So we drove back to Madras and stopped at the Safeway. We ran into Curtis and Jay there, who are the Landscaping staff guys. We stocked up on food and headed back to camp.

It was really great getting off of property for a while and it was good time in the car. I rode in Mandi's car with Mandi, Kristen and Mike. It was good to talk in the car and jam to music. And we made tentative plans to go to LA for Thanksgiving because it turns out we get 6 days off. Mandi has a bunch of friends that we could stay with. So I hope that works out. I really want to see some more of the West Coast while I'm here.

After we got back, we unpacked, ate dinner and have been hanging out ever since. Some of the boys have been in and out and now we're hanging out in the living room. But I'm kind of dragging and I'm looking forward to not setting my alarm for the morning.

I love you all. Get your summer staff applications in! Peace out, girl scouts!


brycestuck said...

I was a we-blow scout (not correct spelling on purpose) for an entire year, so from now on, you should respect the male subscribers to your blog (aka me, glen, and craig.. and probably half of America at this point to be honest)..
Secondly, I think we should all buy stock in Target, it just keeps getting better. Those people had like 3 nintendo wii's when I bought mine.. NOBODY stocks three nintendo wii's at one time..
All of my roomates are gone for fall break, so I have the whole apartment to myself.. Keep us posted on this L.A. vacation possibility, you should audution from Jeopardy or the Wheel while you're there (you know, you're hearts innermost desires)..

allie said...

i completely disagree with bryce. YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTT HOME FOR THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!

la is so last year.

i have a funny story for you - that i think only you will appreciate. so last night, i guess i feel asleep on my arm bc i awoke in the middle of the night and could not feel my right arm past my elbow. i seriously had to rethink to myself, self have i recently been in an accident in which my right arm was torn off? nothing came to mind. so i took my left hand and started at my should and moved it down and sure enough there was the rest of my arm. but it felt a lot like my leg did after i had surgery on it. anyways i then had to lift up my arm and place it on my chest so i could feel my fingers. it was the grossest feeling ever. they just felt really rubbery and fake. then i think i realized that there had been a lack of blood flow so i lifted my hand out so the blood could do its thing again. it was kinda painful as all the blood went racing to my fingers. anyways then my arm feel asleep for about 10 minutes and then i finally went back to sleep. this morning i awoke and found no permenant damage to my arm, PTL.

and there you have it - the most random, non interesting story ever.

just think, you can hear more of these stories when you come home for thanksgiving!!!

when are you coming back for that wedding btw?