Saturday, October 6, 2007

First Day in the Sassy!

I'm going to go ahead and post because I have to work late tonight and I'm probably going to want to crash. But there's not a ton to write about... So maybe my brother will be happy. Jerk.

I got to sleep in today because the Sassy wasn't open in the morning as it will be a lot of weekends. Since we didn't open until 1:00, I didn't have to be there until noon. So I slept in and hung out with Mandi and Lacey for a while. Mandi is on PM shift in the kitchen tonight so she didn't have to go in until 11:30 and Lacey was on a break from the dining hall until lunch. But then I showered, decked myself out in Mizzou gear in support of my Tigers on such a monumental day as when we play Nebraska on ESPN and headed to the Sassy.

I got to the Sassy and went through all the set-up and learned how to work the espresso machine. I made one mocha but haven't really used it yet because I was on register all afternoon. The register was actually really fun but I probably won't get to do it very often because I'll need to oversee everyone preparing stuff. But Angela said she'd work the register tonight so I'll get used to making coffee and all the food and stuff.

Again, Angela is great. And what makes her even greater is that she has TiVoed the Mizzou game for me! She and her husband are huge Oklahoma fans and so they got satellite for football season. So I'm going over in just a few minutes to watch at least part of the game before I have to go back into work. We're open again at 9:00 tonight, so that should be fun. And we're already planning for next week when Mizzou plays Oklahoma. There will be punches thrown. But she and her husband, Andrew, are really nice and it's good to be around someone from the middle of the country.

The Sassy was a lot of fun. I really enjoy that I get to meet a lot of the kids when they come in and get their names for their orders and hear little tidbits of conversation. I think it's going to be really cool throughout the year. Besides Angela and I, there were two other ladies working with us. One is Mary who is very funny and hugs people a lot. She lives here full-time but I'm pretty sure is a volunteer. She's really fun and so is her husband Gene who wears cowboy hats and gave Mary a little smack on the butt when he came into the Sassy. I generally enjoy them both. And then Mary has a friend named Judy from back home in Michigan who is here visiting and being very helpful. They were fun and funny and I enjoyed working with them. I think I'm going to end up with kind of random staffs but that should be fun.

That's it so far today. I'm headed over to Angela and Andrew's in just a minute and back to the Sassy from there. I love you all and call me!


brycestuck said...

I'm not sure if you heard, but we just beat Nebraska down.. We had some Dwight Schrute moves out there, I'm pretty sure we were on ESPN at least once.. We painted ourselves in gold and wrote Mizzou on our chests.. OMG I have so much to tell you about today, the greatest day in sports history (since the Cards won the World Series, at least)..

Paige said...

Woo hoo for someone having satellite! So gald you'll get a chance to see some of the awesome game. Continue to represent for the Tigers when we go to ou next weekend!