Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Missed Handoff and an Interception? Really?

OK, short one today. I'm very tired and I still have much to do tonight.

Today was the same schedule as yesterday. I again slept in. It was again awesome. The Sass was pretty busy this afternoon and it was fun to see some of the kids that came in a bunch of times and remember their names and stuff. I enjoy that I get to see little pieces of their times at camp.

After the afternoon shift, Angela and I went to watch the Mizzou-OU game conveniently saved on her TiVo. Darren ended up showing up too, so the the 3 of us watched the game. I really like Angela, so I had a good time. I really did not like how we lost that game. It was a heartbreaker. And we stayed with them except for those 2 crappy plays. Sucky.

After the game we headed back to the Sassy and it was pretty slow again tonight. However, the band continued to make up for it by the mass amounts of food they ate. The band that's here this weekend is the Awakening with Ryan Long and they're pretty awesome and a lot of fun. They spent a lot of free time hanging out in the Sass and it was fun to get to know them.

We closed up the Sass at 11:30 and had to do all the end of the weekend clean up stuff, so I just got back here at 12:30. And, although I would normally do vending on Sundays, I'm in housekeeping at 7:30 in the morning because we're leaving for 4 days for our intern retreat, which I still need to pack for.

I'm super stoked for the retreat. We're going to a property on the coast and I'm excited to hang out by the ocean and have some down time to get to know everyone and spend some time with the Lord. It's been fun, but so overwhelming this first week and a half. It'll be great to get away.

So, off to packing I go. Much love.

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

I was at Ohio State for the game yesterday (the Mizzou game that is).. seeing as the stinking thing was on Fox Sports Net, we couldn't find it in the dorms, or at Bdubs.. so I went to dinner with this kid's family who went to Oakwood and they had it on TV there.. We lost.. idk if you heard :(

BUT THE EXCITING PART.. is that I saw your wonderful former roomate Paige on TV.. TWICE...

So that's the scoop for now, I just worked at the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival (YL fundraiser.. kinda wierd, kinda hilarious..) Gimme a nice long post before you leave us for four days..