Friday, October 5, 2007

I Fell Down Today

I'm still in Oregon and it is so fun! I know it has a good chance of getting really hard and sucky at some point, but it is so great so far. Although I have muscles that are sore that I didn't even know I had. Our housekeeping boss, Jen, is always telling us to switch hands vacuuming and stuff and I now see why. You get for real sore. But I digress.

So, since I last posted we had our first intern meeting where we got our Year Long Intern Program binders and found out about all the little stuff that we need to know like how to order pizza. That would be go to the kitchen anytime before noon on Wednesdays and place an order with Prancing Pony Pizza, pay $7 and be in your condo at 5:30ish to eat it. It really is like a whole little town out here which is funny and fun. We were also reminded that we can't drink or date each other. Bummer. Also, how to use our sick days, that we get a sweet discount in the camp store, what to do when we see trespassers (during hunting season that gets a little dicier because they probably have guns), if we brought a gun we have to lock it in the gun safe and we're not allowed to shoot it, that we have worship every Thursday (one week with just the interns and the next with the whole staff), that I'm supposed to get an OR driver's license but I will not, and how to join the fire department here at camp should you so desire.

We also got our keys which was sweet. I got 6! That was pretty good. I have one general camp key, one to the office to check mail, one to the Sassy, the housekeeping key, the Coke machine key, and the toilet paper despenser key. It's pretty sweet. Also, if anyone wanted to send me a Mizzou laniard, one of the ones that goes around your neck and you can put keys and your nametag one (preferably one of the skinny ones), I would love you a lot. I need to get one and I want to rep as much Missouri gear as possible.

We then pretty much went straight back to bed and crashed. It's been an intense few days. But I woke up this morning refreshed. All the ladies were in housekeeping this morning finishing up for the camp arriving tonight. We did the bathrooms and stuff in the club room and the dining hall first and then moved on to the Sports Center. The Sports Center is going to be the monster of all things we clean and it will always be on Friday mornings so that everyone can use it all week but it still be clean and sparkly for the campers.

Cleaning the sports center includes things like mopping 4 basketball courts and mopping down the skate park. Which we just got a new skate park that is ridiculous, at least twice the size of the old one and inludes a foam pit to do tricks into. Yeah. It's awesome and they only have 60% of it out because they couldn't fit it all. Crazy. Anyway, it took me like an hour to do one job which was vacuuming the rock wall islands and redoing the ties in the ropes so that they all hung down evenly. It was fun though because it wasn't a bathroom. I'm already sick of bathrooms and I've only been here a couple days.

After we finished the Sports Center, we went to lunch. After lunch, the four retail and kitchen interns went to our job sites to train while everyone else got a couple hour break. That is because everyone else has to do AE training which is the ropes, swing, etc. They went in at 3:00 and are still there and will be there for a while longer. Apparently it's pretty intense. But I got to go to the Sassy and got off at 5:00. So, sweet. But not being AE trained means I don't ever get to help on climbing wall or anything which is fine because pretty much everyone else is trained so I'm sure I can find someone to help. But it would have been fun.

But I went to the Sassy with Sara who is the other retail intern (she's in the store). The Sassy and the Store are in the same building and we both report to the retail manager, Angela. So we'll be hanging out a lot. She's really cool. We got to the Sass and met Angela, who is SO GREAT! I already like her a lot. She's from Oklahoma and she just so sweet and excited and ready to let us take a lot of responsibility. She just started this job, so she's great about letting us put in input and stuff and asked us a lot about what we like to do and stuff. She's going to be wonderful to work for.

First she took us on a tour of all the storage and stuff and then we sat and talked about where we were from and stuff. Then she left Sara a project in the store and took me into the Sassy to do some training. It's a lot of stuff that I'm sure will quickly become 2nd nature. I get to learn to make coffee. So I'll be a barrista! And I get to be in charge of ordering and everything too. So the Sassy is going to be my own domain. During the off-season I'll have other interns rotating in and out working in the Sassy and then I'll have Summer Staff during the summer. So it's my job to know everything and be able to point people in the right direction quickly. It won't be a difficult job but it will definitely keep me hopping.

After I was done with the quick training, Angela had me defrost one of the ice cream coolers. It was intense. I had to get this crazy layer of ice off the sides and then clean it out. But it was slightly too deep for me to reach the bottom so I had to precariously perch on a step ladder and attempt to clean it. It was not pretty but I got it done. And then organized some flavored syrups and then went back to the office and talked some more with Angela and Sara and prayed to close the day. We talked a lot about how the 3 of us are really going to become a team and I'm stoked about it. They both seem really great and it already seems like our strengths are going to compliment well.

After the Sassy, Sara and I went back to the condo with Mandi (kitchen) and Lacey (d hall) and hung out for awhile while everyone else was at training. Then we went to dinner. And then I fell down. I was kind of skipping out of the dining hall and nailed the door stop and seriously went flying face-first straight to the ground. But I hopped up and shook it off. I was fine. And everyone has to eat it every once and a while, right?

Anyway, now I'm back at my condo. I'm going to spend a while reading the giant binder of info I got on the Sassy and read or something. I don't really know what to do with myself. I don't have to be to work until noon tomorrow because we're open in the evening too. So, I guess I'll just be hanging out, maybe try to catch up on sleep.

Glen- Answers to your questions: I'm about 4 hours from the coast, we're pretty much right in the middle. We're actually going to the coast next weekend, so I'll let you know. We haven't had blue juice yet, but I'm waiting for the day. And I have not yet introduced air hump but we did talk about nakedness today so I think we're working up to the time.

Paige- Thanks for officially making me the first to get a call! You're the best!


Craig Henry said...

your blogs are too long. at least write a summary at the end.

Paige said...

I disagree with Craig. Continue to write long blogs and if he doesn't like to read them, than just send him a short email. It's a good thing you didn't injure your tailbone when you fell!

Glen! said...

kate, you have waited too long to introduce air hump, i think it would have only been appropriate if you challenged the first person you met, and then beat them, that way you would have established dominance as well...but i guess your way is fine as well, i hope all is well, also, i laughed out loud when i read about how you fell...o and this is zack, not glen

brycestuck said...

solid post ms. tichelkamp.. i am in como, about to see glen.. needless to say I'm smiling like an idiot in my new mizzou socks (tall and black)..

and I agree with paige, the longer the better on the posts.. gimme random tidbits.. the ballpit is a perfect example,that sounds so sweet that i want to go back in time and go to camp there.. or maybe i could just do summer staff there.. im gunna try and call u on the way back to ohio on sunday, keep posting!