Friday, January 1, 2010

10 for the 10s

Remember when I used to sit around in coffee shops all day, doing nothing, and whining about how I didn't have a job and how scared I was to be settled?

Wasn't that fun?

(Side note: rereading those posts have made me realize that my blogging has been crap lately. I'm going to work on it, don't worry.)

It has been an incredibly wonderful couple of weeks off. I went home and played games and hung out with my family and old, comfortable friends.

And now I'm in Tucson. And it's warm. Yesterday I laid in a hammock reading for 3 hours. And this afternoon I'm sitting in a coffee shop blogging. Yeah, it's basically my dream life.

But tomorrow, it's back to the grind. I'm refreshed and ready. And I have snow boots. So I'm pretty much set.

On another note, I've decided that the 10s are going to be my decade. The Decade of Kate. I'm not really sure what that consists of, but I'm positive it's going to be awesome.

Here are some things that are going to happen in the Decade of Kate (aka 10 things that will happen in the 10s):

1) I'm going to turn 30. Weird!

2) The Cardinals are going to win the World Series.

3) I'm going to live somewhere for more than a year.

4) I'm going to laugh a lot. Like way more than I did in the 00s.

5) I'm going to travel to at least 4 continents.

6) I'm going to dream less and do more.

7) I'm going to love my job.

8) I'm going to love people.

9) I'm going to love my life.

10) I'm going to figure out the balance. Strength vs. Vulnerability, Adventures vs. Roots, Humility vs. Pride.

Oh, man, this is going to be a good decade. I'll keep you posted.

What are your 10?


Phil Grefrath said...

1. i will learn how to fly fish
2. i will blog MORE
3. i will be working my way up the groundskeeping totem pole
4. i will have wife
5. i will see yellowstone, yosemite, and niagara falls
6. i will learn to snowboard better
7. i will be an uncle
8. the cardinals will sign matt holiday (ha)
9. i will compete in a triathlon
10. i will lead a person to Christ!!

Anonymous said...

1. I will prevent maturity by any means necessary.
2. I will be 26 in 2014, which is a generally good age to be at I think.
3. I will graduate college.
4. I will spend an extended amount of time in another country-and it will be my first time leaving the country.
5. I will be happy even if I am sad.
6. I will read more of Kate's blog.
7. I will obtain a living arraignment with a patio/porch by any means necessary.
8. I will find another whataburger and get a #1 on the menu.
9. I will pay off all my student debt :)
10. I will learn something somewhere along the way, and teach it to another.