Thursday, April 2, 2009


OK, I had my first really frustrating day of joblessness.  Even though I whine a lot on this blog, I've managed to stay fairly optimistic about being unemployed.  Not so much today.

Yesterday, I left my resume at a Starbucks by my house and the lady working seemed to indicate that they may be hiring and that I should come back and talk to her manager today.  She was very helpful and I was optimistic.

Then I went in today.

The manager wouldn't even come out of the back room to talk to me and the extremely stoned man barista working the register didn't even give me an application to fill out after telling me they weren't hiring.  


I have a college degree and I can't get a job that a bleary-eyed stoner can do.  That is frustrating.
I would normally be amused that this guy was as high as he was at work, but in this case it pissed me off.  He actually put his head down on the counter while he was talking to me.  This man is a better fit for Starbucks than me.

OK, I'm done whining about it.  I just had to get that off my chest.  I'm going to return to optimism in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.


It's cold, rainy and windy here today but in a way that I love.  I'm sitting in my coffee shop in a big leather chair listening to my Rainy Days Mix and I splurged on a real latte because I needed it and it's cold.  So life really is good.

I just have to remind myself every once in a while.

Song of the Day: Already Gone by Sugarland

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