Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Never Too Late to Post

I can't tell you how often throughout the day I think, that would make such an awesome post and then when I actually sit down at the computer I can't remember any of those things so instead I write about absolutely nothing of consequence.

Because this is really frustrating, I got in the habit of going to blogger and creating a new post every time that I come up with an idea. I'll start a post, jot down a couple of notes and then save it as a draft so that I can go back and finish it later.

In looking back through them today, I found one from a few weeks ago that said simply:

Best day ever!
exchanged book for 3
got Tivo back
turned in application

I am here to apologize to you all, internet, for not finishing this post. Because I know how much you all love me and how much you would care that I actually did have the best day ever just about 3 weeks ago.

It started when I decided I should turn in an application at Barnes and Noble because maybe they give discounts to their employees. I remembered as I was leaving that I had a book to return to them. My brother had given me Maya Angelou's newest book for Christmas, but I already had it so I had been meaning to return it ever since. However, I'm horrible at remembering to return things and they normally just sit there losing value until I finally return them months later.

So I grabbed the book and headed to my neighborhood B&N hoping I'd at least get to pick up one book out of the deal. It was a hardback, so that was promising. I got to the checkout and the man explained that I would have to take the exchange in store credit, which I expected (and was excited about). He handed me my gift card and informed that there was $27 on it.

It took all I had not to shout WAHOO! out loud. I was so excited. I had to look insane as he handed me the card because I'm pretty sure my face was lit up like he had just handed me a job at a small community-based non-profit as a Volunteer Coordinator or Community Outreach Specialist. (My wildest dreams.)

First thing I did was buy a celebratory iced Americano (10% off with my membership!). Then I went to work.

An hour and a half later, I walked out with 3 new books! Two new paperbacks (one of which was 40% off because it was in the "check out these new authors section" and I have a membership) and a B&N classic.

I was on a high.

This was followed by going home and getting my Tivo hooked up. It had been close to 2 years since I had used my Tivo, so I had a lot of fun watching the hilarious stuff still saved on there such as my Blazer on the news, Santa dressed as Waldo pumping gas, this hilarious prank, the Hamm twins, and fetus in fetu. Also, there were two episodes of the Lacey/Neil/Danny season of SYTYCD on there. Hours of entertainment.

Oh, and before anything else that day, I turned in my application at the only actually promising lead I have on a real-person job. So it was exciting then. But now it's 3 weeks later and nothing's really happened on it, so we'll see.

There it is people. The best day ever. Sorry you had to wait so long to hear about it.

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