Friday, March 6, 2009

Google Was Holding Out on Me!

The GNKCCSS09 continues and there are some exciting developments.

Last we left off, I had decided to give the title to Espresso dell'Anatra.  I was dissatisfied with a couple of things, but it was growing on me.  It was clearly the best out of all the contenders.  It's small, not too hipster and fairly cheap.  It has tall tables and some comfy chairs.  The one lady working during the day seems to know the names of about half the people that come in.  They take the time to make my drink the way I like it.  And there's free WiFi.  Good work, Espresso dell'Anatra.

However, it's kind of far from my house.  It's in like a little strip mall, so even though they try with the furnishings, they can't quite pull off the atmosphere.  Also, not the best coffee in the world, but maybe the best for Missouri.

Honestly, I'm pretty happy with Espresso dell'Anatra, it's just that I wish I had some more choices before I had to make the final decision, but the 3 I tried out are the only ones that showed up on Google maps near my house.

Then today happened.

I am actually sitting in Espresso dell'Anatra with the same dude that has been in here literally every time I've come in working on his laptop.  He's chatting with the other regular customers. He hasn't ever talked to me, but I'm thinking any day now we'll be coffee shop besties.  

Anyway, I'm on the internet trying to make something happen in my life.  Next week I'm going to start applying to coffee shops because it's getting to the point that I need some kind of income and the whole actual job thing isn't really working out.  (Plus, I'm secretly hoping that thing will happen where you get a job and then all of a sudden everyone you sent a resume to wants to hire you.)

So I reworked my resume to play up my awesome barista/retail management experience and then decided to make a list of all the places I was going to apply to.  Latte Land did not make the cut but I figured every Starbucks around here will be seeing me soon after I get rejected here.

But when I typed in "coffee shop near home" this time (which I've typed in many times before), it came up with a whole plethora of new options including 2 caribou coffees and a couple other locally owned coffee shops even closer to my house than this.  I'm so excited!  So I'll be spending next week hitting up a coffee shop a day and working my retail charm.

Also, I have another meeting with a lady in the non-profit world.  So maybe...  Whatever way I go, I'm going to be doing something next week.  I'm determined.  And that's all it takes, determination.  (And a whole lot of networking.  And maybe some marketable skills.  Whatever.)

Employment, here I come!

Just so everyone knows, I chose this song of the day because it is playing right now and my future coffee shop BFF is singing along pretty loudly and in an awesome falsetto (which the song doesn't really require).  I'm really glad I'm here alone because if anyone was here that I could laugh with I would not be able to hold it together.  This just makes me more determined to get this middle-aged man in a muscle shirt to be my friend.  I love people.

Song of the Day:  Benny and the Jets by Elton John

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