Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here You Go, Paige

Why is that I feel more productive when I spend 3 hours on my computer at a coffee shop than I do when I spend 3 hours on my computer at home?  

I think it's because I at least interact with the world while I'm in a coffee shop.  I see people and I talk to them and I laugh internally when they almost fall out of their chairs while stretching.  (Just happened to the guy across from me.  It was HI-larious.  He was embarrassed.)

There's something comforting about being in the presence of other people, even though literally everyone else here is on their computers or reading a book.  Even though everyone's engaged in solitary pursuits, we're doing it together.  It reminds me of being in the living room of Condo 55 and literally all 5 of us would be on our computers not talking, but at least we were together.  It's nice.

On another note, I am perilously close to being actually penniless.  It's kind of scary.  It made me cry yesterday but then I got over it.  I had to call in the dad and that severely dented my pride.  But now he's going to help me do a little refinancing (I don't know what that is) and it's going to be better.  Maybe I should let people help me more often...  Ha!  Who am I kidding?  I can do everything on my own.  (I was born in the feminist 80s, people.  Don't tell me I can't do something.)

Wow, my ego surprises even me sometimes.  

All this to say, if anyone knows someone who needs a day laborer or anything in KC, let me know.  As long as it's legal, I'll do it.

Oh, and if you have a USBank account, you should close it now.  They suck.  A lot.  

Song of the Day:  Nine in the Afternoon by Panic at the Disco

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