Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Paige wins the bonus points! Good work, Paige. I'm so proud.

You know what the worst part of living in a small town is? The lack of anonymity when you're having a bad day.

Sometimes, I'm grumpy. I want to go into the grocery store and continue to be grumpy while I do it. I want to tap my foot impatiently and sigh out loud while the person in front of me sorts through their coupons. I want to roll my eyes and make mean faces when things are ridiculously expensive or hard to find. Overall, I want to be a grouch.

I also want to make obscene hand gestures at people when they cut me off or follow way too closely and throw my hands up in disgust when they're driving too slow for my tastes.

I can't do any of these things anymore. Because I live in a tiny little town and people know who I am. Even if they don't know me, they can probably figure out where I work. Or I'm at least going to see them again the next time I go in Safeway or drive down that street at that time.

So I have to smile and make polite conversation. It's horrible.

But on the bright side, when I'm not grumpy I get the pay-off of having Safeway bagger friends and neighbors that wave at me. I guess the good does outweigh the bad.

You should come visit and see it for yourselves. Just a thought.

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