Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yep, Again

You know how sometimes you're talking to someone and they ask you what you've been up to and you have to respond with "nothing much" because what you wish you could say is raising money to build highways in Africa, learning to play the ukulele, and writing witty and thought-provoking letters to the editor on a variety of important topics but what you've really been doing is watching reality TV, reading a Harry Potter a day, and researching whether or not you could feasibly move to Scotland?

Yeah, I've had to do that a lot lately.  

I've officially been here 6 months.  I can no longer pretend like I'm just passing through between NYC and whatever cool other thing is going to come up.  I am no longer some kind of glamorous vagabond.  

So maybe I should start investing, huh?  Maybe I should start acting like I know this is where I'm supposed to be?  Or maybe I am supposed to be somewhere else?

Eeee!  How do I know?

I'll get my head (and life) together soon so you won't have to read about it anymore, I promise.  And, don't worry, if I make any big decisions, you'll be the first to know.

In the meantime, enjoy the dance from this season of SYTYCD.  This is a Tyce contemporary danced by Melissa and Ade.  The story is that of a woman battling breast cancer and her friend supporting her.  Powerful.


Living on Love said...

1. thanks for commenting on my last blog post. it's always good to know that people are still reading

2. i have a suggestion. move to columbia again. and intern for us at refugee services. i've known you for awhile now and i think you would be awesome and would love it. or intern at one of the places up in KC

anyways good blogging to you. blog you later

Elizabeth said...

beautiful dance!! Many tears.