Monday, July 13, 2009


As you can see from my sidebar, I got twitter.  I held out for a long time, but let us be real with one another: twitter is right up my narcissistic alley.  

I love it, but it comes with one problem.  Anytime I add something to my internet time, something else suffers.  I have a lot of non-obligatory internet work to do and I need to learn to say no to some stuff.  But I can't because it's addicting.

All this to say, be reassured.  The blog is my favorite of internet pastimes and will never be overtaken by something as lowly as twitter.  If it's going to get overtaken by anything, it will be this.  

However, I do feel as though I've been blog-slacking a little but that is because my life is fairly routine these days.  I wish something would happen that deserves a witty and observant blog post, but I really just spend my days hanging out with Liz while I'm supposed to be working.  And watching her work on the website and give phone interviews doesn't really inspire my blog creativity.  (Sorry, Liz.)

So today I'll leave with a little story about my roommate Ashley and a video to show you a bit about what our life as friends looks like.  

Last week, Ashley and I had plans to go see Legally Blonde: the Musical (awesome!) at the Starlight with Elizabeth and Abby.  Before the show, Amy decided to cook us dinner (yummy!).

I was getting ready in my room, realized it was time to go, put on my shoes, grabbed my purse and then wandered out into the kitchen, assuming Ashley would be there because that's where we gather to leave.  I could hear her back in her room still, so I grabbed a glass of water and settled in to wait for her to finish getting ready.  I sent some texts, she still wasn't out there.  A good 10 minutes later, she comes out of her room, not really ready to go at all.

Turns out she had completely lost track of time because she had been watching Michael Jackson's Beat It on YouTube and attempting to teach herself the dance.  We were about half an hour late to dinner.

That was funny, and to make it funnier, John came over last night and after dinner and a couple of beers (although none for Ashley, which makes this even better), this is what we came up with.


1 comment:

gwenpelzer said...

Okay, I think the embarrassing tag fits on that one!

Just kidding ... you know I'd be right there with you, although I've not even tried that particular dance ... yet.