Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Still Talking About the Canyon

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but in case I haven't, I'll tell you again.

I miss the Canyon.

Young Life camps period are sacred ground.  You go for a week and the place embeds into your heart.  A lot of you know what that feels like.

Now imagine that times 52.  And then multiply it a couple more times to account for the vast amount of blood, sweat, and tears that come with those 52 weeks.  

I miss it.

I was talking to my friend Dan the other day and I realized how much I miss it.  And not just for the place or the people or what it all meant in my life.  I miss it because it's the only place and the only people who can really understand what it all meant in my life.

About a month ago, I posted about a moment I had where I remembered how I felt sometimes in the Canyon.  There would be these moments in the midst of all the craziness where the vastness and the beauty of the place and what we were doing would stop me in my tracks.  And I would just breathe.  And love.

I tried to describe that on this blog and obviously just tried to describe it again, and I can't really do it.  But I was talking to Dan and in the midst of our conversation he said, "Do you remember how sometimes you would be in the middle of camp and all of a sudden it would all just stop?  You know, like you would just stop... I miss that."

I know what he was talking about.  And I miss that too.

Moral of the story: places can steal your heart.  And the Canyon is just one of the places that has mine.

1 comment:

John Wiehe said...

I've been meaning to ask you:

how do you go about getting a job/internship at a Young Life camp?