Monday, July 20, 2009

Still Concernced

I may be going slowly insane.  Here are two stories from the last 24 hours that demonstrate why I fear this:

1) Yesterday, I took my weekly Sunday afternoon nap.  It was awesome.  I woke up because the dog was barking really loudly.  I was, of course, burning up.  (Does anyone else always wake up from naps really hot?  This doesn't happen to me when I'm sleeping normally, only when taking naps.  I find this weird.)

Anyway, I was warm and really thirsty.  So I got up, extremely disoriented, grabbed my water glass off of my nightstand, and then stood in the middle of my room for a good 30 seconds trying to figure out how to get to the kitchen.  I contemplated walking into the bathroom and then finally it came to me.  The door of my bedroom opens directly into the kitchen.

Whew, problem solved.

2)  Just about a minute ago, I started typing this post.  I began with the word "today" except I accidentally typed "toady."  Then I giggled for about 20 seconds.  I don't know why I found the word toady so funny, but I did.

I'm concerned.  

In completely unrelated news, my (creepy) friend Kelly just put up a video of when he was visiting me in NYC.  A bunch of the interns were there, along with Kelly and Gentges.  Kelly, obviously, spent the whole time obnoxiously filming us all and making us look like extreme-o tourists, but I just watched it and it made me really happy.  Because that was a really fun week and I really, really love everyone in it. 

Here it is:
Much love.

1 comment:

Paige said...

I just laughed for 10 seconds after reading about you laugh for 20 seconds for typing the word "toady". (I'm still laughing as I type this.) We were obviously destined to be friends...