Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shrooms and a Mocha... Yum

Here's a tale straight from the streets...  Grand Street.

Scene: 9:30 AM.  Grand Street Coffee.  I stand behind the counter.  A chime dings, someone enters.  It is a man.  A balding man, wearing shorts and an Abercrombie and Fitch tank top.  I am excited to interact with him.

Me: "Hello!"

Man:  "Hi."

Me:  "What can I get you?"

Man:  "I want a mocha with two extra shots... I did 'shrooms for the first time last night."

Me (slightly taken aback at the announcement but rolling with it):  "Alright!  How'd that go for ya?"

Man (with look of concentration):  "It went alright.  I remember jumping out of a car.  The car was going slow, though.  But we had hit a curb and I was worried we would explode."

Me:  "Yeah... "

Man:  "Can I get a lot of whip cream on that?"

Me:  "Sure."

And... Scene.


Paige said...


Elizabeth said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? What a priceless moment you just shared Kate. I am a better person having heard that conversation.