Monday, February 16, 2009

That's What They Call a Downgrade (The Bachelor, Ep. 7)

OK, so due to a Tivo malfunction, I missed last week.   I spent some time being mad about it, but I think I've matured past that.

Hometown dates were last week, so it's on to the awesome vacation!  Naomi got the boot last week, so she's missing out on New Zealand which I would be super pissed about.  Who cares about the guy, I just want the trip.

After an hour and a half recap of the past few episodes, Jason went to pick Jillian up in a helicopter.  There was a general concensus between all the girls in my house that Jillian looked great.  She was rocking some flannel and boots and, oh yeah, got to take a helicopter ride through New Zealand.  They got to have a picnic on the edge of a cliff.  This is why I want to go on the Bachelor.

Jillian is by far my favorite of the final 3.  However, I continue to want to vomit every time one of them talks about how in love they are after knowing each other for 3 weeks.  

Jillian, shockingly, decides to spend the night with Jason in the suite rather than stay alone in her room.  They hopped in the hot tub and ABC decided that soft core porn was the best way to get ratings.  I feel dirty.

The next morning, Jason rolled out of bed with Jillian and ran to meet Molly.  He continued his questionable fashion choices with his too-tight brown knit shirt.  He took Molly bungee jumping and screamed like a girl.  Then they talked a lot about how much they like each other and how it's scary and how falling love is like bungee jumping and blah, blah, blah...

Molly loses all her dignity when she tells Jason she's falling love with him even though she clearly didn't want to.  I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.  Oh yeah, and she slept with him too.  Whatever it takes.

Last but not least is Melissa and a ride on Winston Churchill's boat... OK.  When I think the Bachelor, I always think Winston Churchill.  More hot tub, more talking about nothing.  Turns out Melissa's falling in love with him too.  Wow, it's getting boring.

The rose ceremony starts while there's still 20 minutes left... What could be happening?

I am genuinely shocked when he sends Jillian home.  That's his biggest mistake of the night, even more so than his Miami Vice gray suit.  Jillian holds it together well while still kind of sticking it to Jason.  Everyone agrees that Jason is a huge idiot.  

My friend Liz astutely noted that Jillian is exactly the kind of girl that Jason would say that he wanted (i.e. smart, funny, independent), but what he really wants is a 23-year-old who will laugh at everything he says and crank out some more babies.  He's a bit of a disgrace right now.

Next week is the Women Tell All Special followed the next week by "the most dramatic finale in bachelor history" according to Chris Harrison.  Sure.

Molly or Melissa?  Nobody cares.


Paige said...

Molly or Melissa?...I don't care

I think he picks Melissa. He's always really excited to see her and not so much with Molly. He made a BIG mistake by sending Jillian home. She's clearly one of the best candidates that has ever been on The Bachelor. I wonder if the producers talk The Bachelor/Bachelorette into sending home the best ones so they can bring him/her back for the next season. However, I do think that when an awesome girl/guy gets sent home they are probably better off because they only have like a 1/15 chance of staying together.

Anonymous said...

Reading this constant Bachelor commentary is really helping me out with Young Life. I'm able to carry on a conversation with girls who are absolutely obsessed with the show and pretend I've been watching it all along. I pretty much rock at contact work thanks to this blog (well, that's a lie, actually...but my awkwardness around groups of 16 year old strangers is not your fault). I feel like you could just cut out that parentheses and then use that last statement to promote your blog. Or something.

Kate Bethany said...

I'm glad to know I can help!