Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why am I Hot in February?

Aaah, Tucson.  

I'm sitting next to an open door in short sleeves, drinking an iced latte and enjoying free internet.  This is the life.

I left the Canyon on Monday morning and stopped in Bend on the way out to see my favorite 6'4" man in the world, Dan Creasey.  We had breakfast at West Side Bakery, one of my favorite local Bend joints.  It was fun to be back in Bend, our beautiful "hometown" while out in the Canyon.  And it was even more fun to see Dan.  

I hopped on the road and spent the rest of the day driving through Southern Oregon and down through Central California.  I took I-5 the entire way down which is not the beach route, but is beautiful none the less.  I just love watching the scenery change from mountains and forests to farmland to the Hollywood hills.  It's so beautiful. 

I ended up stopping in Sacramento for the night just because I could and I was really enjoying the alone time.  I'm realizing that I was desperate for some time to just wander on my own.  The Canyon has my heart, New York was fabulous, and I'm excited for Kansas City.  But it had been a long time since I had an open road and time on my hands and it was exactly what I needed.  

By the time I got to Sacramento I was feeling more at peace than I have been in a long time.  I love people, but at heart I'm an introvert.  I find energy and renewal in being alone.  I love to wander and I do my best thinking when jamming in the car.  So really, a road trip should be mandatory for me every year or so.  

I woke up Tuesday morning and got the rest of the way into LA.  I spent the afternoon and evening with Hannah, who is another person that I dearly love.  Hannah was on Summer Staff my first session this past summer and quickly became one of my favorite people ever.  She has the rare ability to root herself deeply into the lives of people around her.  She's genuine and honest and sincerely seeks to know you.  I've found a kindred spirit in her even though we seem like very different people on the surface.

We took a walk on the beach in Santa Monica and saw the famous pier.  I loved being on the beach.  The beach is something that I never really long for, seeing as I grew up in the middle of the country.  But some kind of combo of the smell and the sound of the waves and the feel of the breeze of the water creates the most calming effect.  It's a great place to contemplate the world.

I woke up the next morning and headed due East for Tucson and Kristen.  I've never been to the Southwest, so I was excited to make my way here and see the desert in all its glory.  It was a breathtakingly beautiful drive out of LA (and the crazy traffic!) all the way here.  The weather is literally 80 degrees which I'm loving after months of freezing in New York.  It feels like summer which triggers some kind of chemical mood enhancement.

Time with Kristen has been wonderful and it has been so great over the past week catching up on intern gossip and seeing/hearing about how everyone is doing.  I was not great at keeping in touch while I was in New York (surprise, surprise) but I've truly missed everyone.

All in all, this road trip has been exactly what I needed.  I'm still a little freaked out at the prospect of a job hunt and being back in MO, but I feel genuine peace about where I'm at and what I'm doing.  I got to properly say goodbye to the Canyon and the world I created there, I was reminded of all the people that I love and that love me.  I feel complete freedom and independence.  I love this phase of life.  What comes next?  Who knows.

I'm headed out tomorrow and will be back in MO in a couple of days!  

Much Love.

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