Monday, February 23, 2009

Confessions of a Hermit

I talk to myself.

I admit this.  I don't think it's that weird.

I don't talk to myself like I'm a separate person.  Most of the time, I end up talking to myself because I'm acting out some kind of interaction in my head and I get so into it that I end up doing it all out loud.  Or if I'm not actually talking out loud, I'm at least making facial expressions that go with what's going on in my head and not what's going on around me.

This is embarrassing, but it's never made me worry that I need to see someone.

Now that I'm unemployed and officially useless, I have picked up some habits that are beginning to concern me.

No, I'm still not talking to myself like I'm a separate person, but I have begun talking pretty regularly to inanimate objects and I feel as though it's a slippery slope.

First I started talking to the dog.  She kind of responds, so that's not that concerning.

I've been conversing with my GPS for some time, so of course I would continue that.

Next came the Wii Fit trainer.  He's always encouraging and instructing me, so it seemed natural I would answer him.

Today is when things turned for the worse.  I realized that I was talking to just about every inanimate object around.  The book I'm reading?  Not weird at all.  The TV?  Of course.  My heater?  Getting a little weird.  The washing machine?  Weirder.  My shoes?  I'm officially concerned.

I spend a lot of time alone people.  I naturally enjoy this but I'm always aware of the fact that it is only matter of time before I begin collecting cats and forgetting all social norms.  

I need a job.  

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