Monday, February 2, 2009

I Was Just in Seattle Too! (The Bachelor, Ep. 5)

That's right.  The bachelor blog is coming at you from Sacramento, CA.  I'm at a Super 8 and I am excited about watching Jason go back to Seattle with the 5 women left.  And there's more of his super cute son, Ty!!!  I'm pumped!

I missed last week's episode and it looks like it was rather dramatic.  He didn't give out one of the roses, leaving Melissa, Molly, Stephanie, Naomi and Jillian for this week.

They're all excited to go to Seattle because "one of them will be moving there."  The reunion between Ty and Jason is the sweetest thing ever and also sets a Guinness record for the most women across the US simultaneously saying "aaawww."

The women arrive and Melissa gets the first one on one date.  Jason recaps what they're going to do on the date, saying things like "then I've got a helicopter waiting to take us over Seattle."  I seriously doubt Jason planned and paid for a helicopter.  I think maybe he should say "then the producers have a helicopter waiting for us."

Ty is pouty as Jason is getting ready, so Jason decides to stay home and asks Melissa to come over instead.  She is oddly not too excited, although all the other girls are extremely jealous as Ty is clearly the key to winning this thing.  And really, who cares about a guy who takes you on a helicopter?  Any woman would rather have the guy who would cancel a helicopter because his kid misses him.

Melissa gets to Jason's house which is awesome.  It's a classic Seattle house, on a dock, super cute.  She doesn't get to meet Ty, but she does get to peak in at him.  That's a little weird and she's clearly not ready for kids, but likes to pretend like she is.  

Jillian, Molly and Stephanie get the group date which starts with a boat around Seattle.  Stephanie's wearing a sparkly shirt with a fuzzy vest over it.  I keep wanting to like her, but then she wears stuff like that.  She the only one who wasn't whining earlier when Melissa got to go to Jason's house and is clearly the most mature, but she's just a little bit of a weirdo.  They continue to bond over the kids during a little bit of alone time.  

And Jillian and Molly continue to whine about how much they hate it when he pays attention to other girls.  Um, maybe someone should re-explain the concept of the show to them.

After the whining, they head over to a radio station where Jason gets interviewed while the women watch through soundproof glass and Melissa and Naomi listen at home.  He then rudely answers a bunch of questions about the ladies such as which date has been the most fun and who's the best kisser.  Awkward.  Then they blindfold Jason and have the women kiss him to see if he can tell who is who.  More awkward.  Stephanie's the only one who doesn't get wildly inappropriate with the kissing.  More points for Stephanie, although she's definitely not going to win now.  That's just how it goes.

Side note:  I love the show What Would You Do where they do things like put a baby alone in a car and see if anyone will attempt to do anything about it.  I like watching it and shouting about how horrible people are while secretly knowing I would be one of the people who walked by without saying anything.  

Jason continues to make out with everyone (except Stephanie)  as he spends some alone time with Jillian and Molly on the group date.  I can't figure out why, but I don't like Molly.  I'll pin point it, don't worry.

Naomi got the last one on one date which included a sea plane tour of Seattle.  This was so she could decide if she wants to live there.  When deciding where I want to live, I insist on an aerial view.  How else can you decide? They finish off the date with rock climbing and cuddling.  Sure.

They could really make this show an hour.  I could do without all the behind the scenes talking that all the girls do.

Just so everyone knows, every time he kisses one of the girls I make fake puking noises akin to the ones Chunk makes in Goonies.  Even when I'm by myself.  I would never kiss someone on TV.  

Chris comes to Jason's house so that they can talk about how hard the decision is.  Unfortunately, Jason doesn't have a weird room where the girls are enshrined for him to stare at and deliberate over whom he loves...  I'm glad we ditched the mansion.  It's too creepy.

Jason continues his questionable wardrobe choices at the rose ceremony with a plaid tie over a striped shirt.  

He takes Naomi out of the room at the rose ceremony and the other girls freak out.  Naomi sells herself in an attempt to stay in game and loses a little of her dignity in the process.  

Jason hands out the first 3 roses to Jillian, Melissa and Molly.  He gives the last rose to Naomi and then cries as he gives a little speech about how awesome Stephanie is.  The other girls fake cry in an attempt to show their compassion.  

I guess it had to happen.  Stephanie leaves with the most grace I've seen yet and, with that, won me over.  Good work Stephanie!  You made the women of America proud!  (Now stop wearing scarves that look like boas and we can be besties!)

Next week, hometown dates.  It's getting serious people!

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