Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Not Pretty

In my last post, I alluded to the fact that I was on a slippery slope that would lead nowhere but to me being actually classified a hermit.

I am here today to confess that this has happened.

In my defense, a perfect storm of circumstances has caused this fate to befall me.

I shall list them:

1) I'm sick.

That's right, the freaky Missouri weather has taken me down.  And it's my least favorite kind of sick: the common cold.  The common cold is my least favorite for one reason alone: you can't legitimately complain about having a cold. 

You all know how much I like to whine and this disease just does not lend itself to pity.  If I bellyache about having a cold, people are only going to look at me like I'm pathetic (and not in a good way).  But yet, having a cold sucks.  It zaps your energy.  It makes it hard to sleep and it's annoying when you have to blow your nose every 5 seconds.

The reason that having a cold adds to my hermitness is also pretty simple.  In the real world, I would suck it up and go to work and deal with my cold, hence getting over it pretty quickly.  In unemployed Kate world, I give in to my desire to stay in bed all day.  This merely prolongs the cold which makes me stay in bed even longer.  It's a vicious cycle.

Also, I can't go get my ultimate this-will-make-me-feel-better treat, which is the Jamba Juice Pomegranate Heart Defender with Immunity Boost.  How am I supposed to be well when there's no Jamba around here?  (I settled for a Naked Well-Being Smoothie, but it is not the same.)

2) Friday Night Lights

Oh yeah.  I began watching this show this season since Kelley got very pumped about new episodes and proceeded to explain to me that the show was like Jeff City on TV.  I began watching, I discovered she was completely right.  It's awesome.

This past week, I decided to use some of my discretionary budget to repurchase Netflix.  The first thing I put in my queue?  Friday Night Lights.  

And not only is it coming on discs but I can also watch it instantly online.  Consequently, I've watched like 20 episodes this week while not leaving my house.

Side note:  This show is extremely good.  I suggest watching it.  I may have to do another entire post on my love for Matt Saracen.

3)  My roommate is out of town.

This just serves to erase all social stigma associated with not showering and not seeing the light of day for more than one day in a row.

That's it.  Those are the reasons I have slipped into complete hermitage.  But I'm proud to say, I rallied myself today.  I haven't watched a single episode of FNL, I left the house to go to the store and got fresh fruit, orange juice and more cold medicine, and I'm freshly showered.  I feel good about where this is headed.  

Song of the Day (classic style): What I Got by Sublime

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