Sunday, July 11, 2010

Protecting My Rep

You know what I love about my job?

I love that in the last 2 posts I've talked about watching the Bachelorette on work time/computer and driving around playing pranks on people, and I'm not even a little bit worried that someone that I work with might read this and think I'm a slacker. Because they know that I work hard and that work's supposed to be fun sometimes.

But in case you need some affirmation, I work my butt off.

Glad we cleared that up.

Session 3 started yesterday, so we're officially 2/3 done with our summer camping season. It's really crazy how quickly the summer flies by. My bestie Kristen is here as a Work Crew Boss this session, so I'm super pumped for the amount of yelling and jumping and fun we will have while she's here. Also, it's an incredible blessing to have someone around who knows me, knows how my brain works, knows how to call me out on stuff and still love me really well. I like her a lot.

I'm also really happy about the fact that this is the last time I have to train. It is exhausting to have to start all over every 3 weeks with a whole new staff. But such is the life of working with volunteers, something I plan on doing for a long time.

All in all, life is good. I feel like I'm in the groove, finally. And if you want to know more, call me. (Seriously. I miss you all. Catch me up on your life, please.)

Peace out, girl scouts! (Post to follow on my illustrious career as a girl scout. It involved some horrible experiences at horse-riding camp and my dad buying 65 boxes of cookies so I could be a winner.)

Song of the Day: American Honey by Lady Antebellum


Miriam said...

Oh Kate Bethany. I feel like me reading your blog is good for our friendship. It's kind of like a window into your head without me having to pry too much...I like it. Did that sound weird. Anyway, thank you for making me laugh. For being awesome. And for still living in Williams. We love you. (and by we I mean me, so don't leave at least for a few more years).

allie said...

kate, im calling you when im finally home for longer than 2 days straight. which will be next week. i miss you almost as much as i miss sleeping in my bed bc currently im sleeping on a concrete floor with 10 middle school girls. did i mention i LOVE missions trips?