Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Am I Annoying? Is it Annoying to Ask?

Do you ever have one of those days where everything in you just decides that today, just today, you can't handle being an adult anymore? Like, you still have every responsibility that you normally do and you go about your day just like always, but there is just no chance you're going to be able to do it without being obnoxiously juvenile?

Yeah, today was one of those days.

And I laughed harder today than I have in a long time.

Every month, I get a new set of Work Crew who are our high school aged volunteer staff. There's 9 of them, which is a lot for me to corral, so I also get a Work Crew Boss. Work Crew Bosses are normally on Young Life field staff and they come out for the month-long session to live and work alongside the kids.

My Work Crew boss this session is named Sullivan and she is hilariously awesome. We are kind of kindred spirits and spend a lot of our time yelling and laughing and telling very loud stories. It is awesome.

We also spend a lot of our time riding around in our electric golf cart and being really hilarious (or so we think).

We had a couple of bright ideas today. The first was to shout encouraging words at anyone we passed in our cart. This included things such as, "I like your nametag," "Your polo shirt looks really cool," "Good job driving that truck," and "Your flowing blonde locks look incredible."

Most people responded to this with a confused wave because there's little to no chance that they actually understood us as we drove past, but we thought we were awesome.

Then we found a beach ball. We came up with an idea for an awesome game including leaf blowers, but then had our hopes dashed when we found out that camp only owns 2 leaf blowers. Lame.

So we moved on to the next best thing, which was to hide in the office as the Admin. crew were coming back from lunch, jump out at them while yelling "Surprise!," and then hit our friend Shea with the beach ball while shouting, "Beach Party!!!!"


And then came the best game of the day.

We realized that Nate, one of the Guest Services interns, spends most of his day driving around in his cart dropping things off at various places around camp.

We, of course, started following him. As soon as he would park his cart and go inside a building, we would pull up directly behind and, if necessary, move random objects such as bikes in front of him to block him in. Then we would hide and watch.

We did it probably 5 times. And every time he would walk out, look a little confused as to why this would possible be funny, move the objects, and drive away.

And then Nate turned the cart over to Patrick. And we went for it again. Our first attempt ended with us yelling, "Be cool! Be cool!," and attempting to hide behind a brick wall while Patrick was staring directly at us.

But we do not give up easily. Let's just say a perfect storm of circumstances ended up with the cart completely wedged between a wall and our cart, and Patrick wandering around the snack bar/pool deck looking bewildered as to what to do. Oh, and he was carrying several smoothies.

I can't imagine Patrick found it all that funny, but we were laughing for probably an hour. And it was awesome.

Oh yeah, and all of this was done in the middle of a crazy and productive work day. You can make me grow up, you can give me a whole lot of responsibility, but give me a fun friend and a beautiful day, and I'm going to have to revert to the annoying youngest child that I am.

Life is good.

Song of the Day: Paperweight by Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk

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