Monday, July 26, 2010

Good Morning

I live in Williams. And Williams is a little hard to describe. But I'm going to tell you about everything I saw on my 10 minute drive into work this morning, and how that paints a pretty accurate picture of my town.

I pulled out of my driveway at 7:45 and immediately looked left, preparing for my morning wave to my neighbor. He was right where he always is, in his driveway crushing aluminum cans. Not really sure why he's always crushing cans at 7:45 AM, but I know it has something to do with veterans. Of course.

I drove on and gave another friendly wave to the old-lady morning walkers in our neighborhood.

I got out of our little subdivision and onto the street that leads into town. As I was starting to pick up some speed, I noticed that there was a man darting back and forth across the street about half a mile up. He managed to pick a side of the road to walk on by the time I got to him. I was thrilled to see that he was wearing jorts, a John Deere hat, no shirt, and sporting an awesome farmers tan. I got a head-nod from that guy and continued on.

I made it into downtown Williams and immediately got stuck behind a ginormous, extremely slow-moving RV. Let's just say they were having a lot of trouble maneuvering and I was having a lot of trouble not flipping them the bird. Route 66 at its finest.

Add in a couple stray cats, tourists wearing fanny packs in the middle of the road, and some wandering teenagers, and you have my daily life in Williams.

I love this town.

1 comment:

John Wiehe said...

Williams has to be the Jeff City of Arizona.